714.18/31: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 27, 1935—6:35 p.m.]
6. The following telegram has been sent to the Legation in Costa Rica: [Page 235]
“February 27, 4 p.m. Your telegram February 22, 4 p.m. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has expressed his pleasure with the prospective exchange and by instruction of President Ubico has authorized me to inform you that when the agrément is requested as set forth in your telegram this Government will immediately give a favorable reply and will at the same time request the agrément for Don Carlos Palma, former chief of protocol and now attached to the Foreign Office, as Guatemalan Minister Plenipotentiary to Costa Rica.
March 1st is an acceptable date for the exchange of telegrams. Repeated to the Department.”