Pan American Commercial Conference held at Buenos Aires, May 26–June 19, 1935

[See Department of State Conference Series No. 22: Report of the Delegates of the United States of America to the Pan American Commercial Conference Held at Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 26–June 19, 1935 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1936); Acta Final de la Conferencia Comercial Panamericana reunida en la ciudad de Buenos Aires del 26 de mayo al 19 de junio de 1935 [Buenos Aires, 1935?]; Diario de la Conferencia Comercial Panamericana, Buenos Aires, May 24–June 22, 1935.

Of the four conventions adopted by the Conference, the United States signed two:

Convention for the Repression of Smuggling, signed June 19, 1935 (not submitted to the Senate);
Convention for the Creation of Pan American Commercial Committees, signed June 19, 1935 (not submitted to the Senate).

For texts of these Conventions, see Report of the Delegates of the United States of America, pages 70–77 and 90–94.]