Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The American Republics, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The American Republics, Volume IV
- Victor J. Farrar
- Kieran J. Carroll
General Editor:
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- General: (Documents 1–272)
- Preliminaries to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of
Peace to be held at Buenos Aires in 1936 (Documents 1–6)
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay: (Documents 7–206)
- The Argentine-Chilean Mission (Documents 7–25)
- Proposed Chaco Economic Conference (Documents 26–43)
- The Mediation Group (Documents 44–91)
- The Chaco Peace Conference (Documents 92–206)
- The Argentine-Chilean Mission (Documents 7–25)
- Leticia dispute between Colombia and Peru (Documents 207–233)
- Pan American Commercial Conference held at Buenos Aires, May 26–June 19, 1935
- Treaty between the United States and other American Republics for the
protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historic monuments,
April 15, 1935 (Document 234)
- Interpretation of article IV of the Habana Convention on Commercial Aviation adopted February 20, 1928: (Documents 235–239)
- Good offices of the United States in the reestablishment of diplomatic
representation between Costa Rica and Guatemala (Documents 240–253)
- Cooperation of the United States with other Governments in the
construction of the Inter-American Highway (Documents 254–272)
- Preliminaries to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of
Peace to be held at Buenos Aires in 1936 (Documents 1–6)
- Argentina: (Documents 273–318)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Argentina (Documents 273–275)
- Representations to the Argentine Government respecting surcharge for
importation of goods for which official exchange permits had not been
accorded (Documents 276–291)
- Efforts to secure equitable treatment for American creditors in the
servicing of Province of Buenos Aires bonds (Documents 292–317)
- Unperfected sanitary convention between the United States and Argentina,
signed May 24, 1935 (Document 318)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Argentina (Documents 273–275)
- Brazil: (Documents 319–424)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Brazil, signed
February 2, 1935 (Documents 319–346)
- Representations regarding American blocked funds in Brazil (Documents 347–422)
- Promise by the Brazilian Government of support to the United States in
case of conflict with Japan (Documents 423–424)
- Supplementary agreements further amending the agreement of May 10, 1934, as amended by the supplementary agreement of July 21 and 23, 1934, providing for a military mission from the United States to Brazil, effected by exchanges of notes, signed June 20 and October 29, 1935, and November 9 and December 16 and 19, 1935
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Brazil, signed
February 2, 1935 (Documents 319–346)
- Chile: (Documents 425–447)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Chile (Documents 425–426)
- Informal representations to the Chilean Government regarding alleged
discrimination against American interests in letting contract for railroad
cars (Documents 427–429)
- Efforts of the Department of State to secure equitable treatment for
American interests with respect to Chilean exchange restrictions (Documents 430–441)
- Discrimination against foreigners in fees charged for registration of
patents and trade marks in Chile (Documents 442–447)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Chile (Documents 425–426)
- Colombia: (Documents 448–468)
- Costa Rica: (Documents 469–481)
- Cuba: (Document 482)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 483–516)
- Ecuador: (Documents 517–553)
- Proposal for a modus vivendi between the United
States and Ecuador providing for unconditional most-favored-nation treatment
in commercial matters (Documents 517–524)
- Expression of concern by the United States Government regarding Ecuadoran
fishing regulations purporting to extend the territorial waters of Ecuador
beyond the three-mile limit (Documents 525–526)
- Interest of the United States in possible internationalization of the
Galápagos Islands for the protection of fauna and for strategic
reasons (Documents 527–535)
- Revolution in Ecuador (Documents 536–553)
- Proposal for a modus vivendi between the United
States and Ecuador providing for unconditional most-favored-nation treatment
in commercial matters (Documents 517–524)
- El Salvador: (Documents 554–588)
- Guatemala: (Documents 589–648)
- Haiti: (Documents 649–723)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Haiti, signed
March 28, 1935 (Documents 649–660)
- Good offices of the United States in effecting a renewal of the
Franco-Haitian commercial agreement (Documents 661–679)
- Attitude of the United States towards the proposed Debachy loan
contract (Documents 680–705)
- Sale of the Banque Nationale de la République d’Haiti by the National City
Bank of New York to the Republic of Haiti (Documents 706–723)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Haiti, signed
March 28, 1935 (Documents 649–660)
- Honduras: (Documents 724–750)
- Mexico: (Documents 751–796)
- Informal discussions with a view to the settlement of American agrarian
claims against Mexico pending before the General Claims Commission (Documents 751–756)
- Concern of the United States respecting difficulties experienced by
American petroleum interests in Mexico (Documents 757–758)
- Representations against further expropriation by the Mexican Government of
lands owned by American citizens until authorization for payment be
made (Documents 759–764)
- Attitude of the Government of the United States with respect to the
religious situation in Mexico (Documents 765–789)
- Representations respecting interference with radio stations in the United
States by stations in Mexico (Documents 790–796)
- Treaty between the United States and Mexico providing for assistance to and salvage of vessels in territorial waters, signed June 13, 1935
- Informal discussions with a view to the settlement of American agrarian
claims against Mexico pending before the General Claims Commission (Documents 751–756)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 797–860)
- Panama: (Documents 861–905)
- Peru: (Documents 906–911)
- Uruguay: (Documents 912–934)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Uruguay (Documents 912–913)
- Representations respecting customs discriminations against American
importations into Uruguay (Documents 914–923)
- Efforts of the Department of State to secure equitable treatment for
American interests with respect to Uruguayan exchange restrictions (Documents 924–934)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Uruguay (Documents 912–913)
- Index