The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin)
Sir: I am in receipt of your despatch No. 2568 of November 5, 1919,60 quoting a despatch dated October 23, 1919, from the American Consul at Guaymas, acknowledging the receipt of your communication of October 10th, with which you enclosed, for the information of the Consul, a copy of a note from the Mexican Foreign Office61 explaining the action of the Federal troops after the Yaqui Indians raided the outskirts of Guaymas in the month of August. [Page 583] The Consul states that as far as is known at Guaymas the band that committed the atrocities was not pursued by the troops in question, and that since the date of the raid referred to two more Mexicans have been murdered by the Yaquis about a mile to the north of Guaymas, the Indians escaping across the hills unmolested.
You are instructed to bring the report of the renewed activities of the Yaquis to the attention of the Foreign Office, pointing out the danger therefrom to American lives and properties in the Guaymas district, and to request that effective measures be taken to prevent further depredations by these Indians.
The Consul at Guaymas is being informed of this instruction.
I am [etc.]