Earthquake of April 28, 1919—Assistance of the American Red Cross

[768] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State

816.48/74: Telegram

[769] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State

816.48/75: Telegram

[770] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State

816.48/76: Telegram

[773] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State


[774] The Chargé in Guatemala (Thurston) to the Acting Secretary of State

816.48/80: Telegram

[775] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State


[776] The Acting Secretary of State to the Charge in Salvador (Arnold)

816.48/84: Telegram

[777] The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State

816.48/87: Telegram