Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919, Volume II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919, Volume II
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Cuba: (Documents 1–35)
- Czechoslovakia: (Documents 36–44)
- Diplomatic representation (Documents 36–44)
- Danzig: (Documents 45–48)
- Appointment of an American Commissioner, October 6, 1919 (Documents 45–48)
- Appointment of an American Commissioner, October 6, 1919 (Documents 45–48)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 49–93)
- Political and economic affairs (Documents 49–74)
- Financial affairs (Documents 75–86)
- Tariff revision (Documents 87–93)
- Ecuador: (Documents 94–128)
- Egypt: (Documents 129–138)
- Recognition by the United States of the British Protectorate (Documents 129–138)
- Recognition by the United States of the British Protectorate (Documents 129–138)
- Finland: (Documents 139–167)
- Recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations (Documents 139–167)
- France: (Documents 168–172)
- Germany: (Documents 173–190)
- Reopening of trade, July 14, 1919 (Documents 173–180)
- Appointment of an American Commisisoner, November 4, 1919 (Documents 181–190)
- Reopening of trade, July 14, 1919 (Documents 173–180)
- Great Britain: (Documents 191–212)
- Guatemala: (Documents 213–266)
- Political affairs (Documents 213–223)
- Financial affairs (Documents 224–245)
- Treatment of enemy property (Documents 246–266)
- Convention with the United States for the establishment of an international gold-clearance fund.
- Convention with the United States for facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
- Boundary dispute with Honduras.
- Haiti: (Documents 267–316)
- Execution of the treaty of September 16, 1915 (Documents 267–288)
- Agreement between the United States and Haiti, October 3, 1919, for the
establishment of a claims commission and for a loan of $40,000,000 (Documents 289–300)
- Contract of retrait between the Haitian Government
and the National Bank, April 12, 1919 (Documents 301–314)
- Agreement of the United States to a special bond issue for paving done
under a contract of 1912 (Documents 315–316)
- Convention with the United States for the establishment of an international gold-clearance fund.
- Honduras: (Documents 317–366)
- Political affairs (Documents 317–350)
- Amends made for an insult to the American flag (Documents 351–355)
- Treatment of enemy property (Documents 356–366)
- Boundary dispute with Guatemala.
- Boundary dispute with Nicaragua.
- Hungary: (Documents 367–368)
- Reopening of trade, September 2, 1919 (Document 367)
- Appointment of an American Commissioner, December 4, 1919 (Document 368)
- Reopening of trade, September 2, 1919 (Document 367)
- Italy: (Documents 369–371)
- Japan: (Documents 372–417)
- Decision of the Japanese Government to discontinue issuing passports for
“picture brides” to proceed to the United States (Documents 372–378)
- Disorders at Tientsin resulting in injuries to American soldiers inflicted
by Japanese—Efforts to obtain amends (Documents 379–407)
- Taxation by Japanese authorities of Americans in the South Manchurian
Railway Zone—Attitude of the United States (Documents 408–411)
- Injunctions to American citizens to avoid interference in political
affairs in Korea (Chosen) (Documents 412–417)
- Decision of the Japanese Government to discontinue issuing passports for
“picture brides” to proceed to the United States (Documents 372–378)
- Liberia: (Documents 418–485)
- Financial affairs (Documents 418–455)
- Concessions (Documents 456–484)
- Service of American officers with the Liberian Frontier Force (Document 485)
- Mexico: (Documents 486–606)
- Message of President Carranza to the National Congress, September 1,
1919 (Document 486)
- Resumption of extradition proceedings by the United States (Documents 487–489)
- Declaration by the Mexican Government of nonrecognition of the Monroe
Doctrine (Documents 490–491)
- Exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico (Documents 492–502)
- Granting of licenses for exportation (Documents 492–497)
- Embargo of July 12, 1919 (Documents 498–502)
- Granting of licenses for exportation (Documents 492–497)
- Border disturbances (Documents 503–523)
- Protection of persons and property of Americans and other foreigners (Documents 524–555)
- Protection of American oil interests (Documents 556–582)
- Protection of American landholding interests (Documents 583–590)
- Claims of Americans against the Mexican Government (Documents 591–599)
- Financial affairs (Documents 600–606)
- Message of President Carranza to the National Congress, September 1,
1919 (Document 486)
- Netherlands: (Documents 607–619)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 620–647)
- Norway:
- Panama: (Documents 648–671)
- Appointment of an American Fiscal Agent and of an American Inspector
General of Police (Documents 648–659)
- Loan projects for the funding of internal obligations and for the
establishment of an agricultural bank (Documents 660–667)
- Oil concession of the Sinclair Panama Corporation; extension of
exploration period (Documents 668–671)
- Boundary dispute with Colombia.
- Convention with the United States for the establishment of an international gold-clearance fund.
- Convention with the United States for facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
- Appointment of an American Fiscal Agent and of an American Inspector
General of Police (Documents 648–659)
- Paraguay:
- Persia: (Documents 672–691)
- Agreement between Persia and Great Britain, August 9, 1919 (Documents 672–691)
- Peru: (Documents 692–730)
- Poland: (Documents 731–767)
- Recognition by the United States of the Polish provisional government,
January 22, 1919—Exchange of ministers (Documents 731–735)
- Treatment of Jews in Poland (Documents 736–767)
- Recognition by the United States of the Polish provisional government,
January 22, 1919—Exchange of ministers (Documents 731–735)
- Salvador: (Documents 768–777)
- Spain: (Documents 778–780)
- Agreement between the United States and Spain extending the duration of
the Arbitration Convention of April 20, 1908 (Documents 778–780)
- Withdrawal of denunciation of treaty of July 3, 1902, except as to articles 23 and 24, terminated as of July 1, 1916—Understanding with respect to Spanish transport taxes and American income tax.
- Agreement between the United States and Spain extending the duration of
the Arbitration Convention of April 20, 1908 (Documents 778–780)
- Sweden:
- Turkey: (Documents 781–829)
- Appointment of an American Commissioner, November 30, 1918—Reopening of
consulates—Appointment of a High Commissioner, August 12, 1919 (Documents 781–786)
- Reopening of trade, February 17, 1919 (Documents 787–789)
- Termination of court actions conflicting with the capitulations (Documents 790–794)
- Relief work in Turkish territories (Documents 795–804)
- Efforts in behalf of the Armenians (Documents 805–829)
- Appointment of an American Commissioner, November 30, 1918—Reopening of
consulates—Appointment of a High Commissioner, August 12, 1919 (Documents 781–786)
- Uruguay:
- Venezuela:
- Yugoslavia: (Documents 830–834)
- Index