301. Editorial Note
On October 1, President Eisenhower sent a personal message to the Prime Minister of Japan, Nobusuke Kishi, in response to Kishi’s message to the President, September 24. In his message Kishi had appealed for United States support for a proposal for a one-year suspension of nuclear tests which the Japanese had recently made at the United Nations. Eisenhower in his reply declined to support a suspension of testing in the absence of effective limitations on nuclear weapons production and other conditions. This exchange of messages, released to the press on October 4, is printed in Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1957, pages 716–718.
Earlier, on June 20, Kishi had discussed the question of prohibition of nuclear tests as well as other issues with Secretary Dulles. A memorandum of this conversation is scheduled for publication in volume XXIII.