279. Memorandum for the Record, by the Director of the Executive Secretariat (Howe)1
In elaborating on his memorandum of conversation with Admiral Strauss of August 22 Governor Herter indicated that it was his understanding that we should put forward the Cole candidacy and proceed to get him elected using the most favorable tactics, but nevertheless backing him to the hilt. He felt the President was inclined to want to avoid any kind of a “deal” with the Russians.
Governor Herter thought that, to comply with the President’s wishes, Ambassador Wadsworth should be instructed to go back to the Russians and inform them that he had received instructions to put forward the candidacy of Cole and at the same time to make plain that any further discussions with the Russians on IAEA staff would need to await evidence of the amount of cooperation and contribution the USSR is going to make to the new agency.
Governor Herter asked me to convey a copy of his memorandum of conversation with Admiral Strauss of August 2 to the Admiral requesting his initials or written concurrence and at the same time, convey a copy to General Goodpaster, indicating to Admiral Strauss that we were so doing.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 398.1901–IAEA/8–257.↩
- Supra.↩
- Attached to the source text is a memorandum from Howe to Goodpaster, August 2, indicating that a copy of this memorandum was enclosed and that another copy had been sent to Strauss for him to indicate his concurrence. (Department of State, Central Files, 398.1901–IAEA/8–257) Strauss’ concurrence has not been found in Department of State files.↩
- Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.↩