The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Key)
Dear Dave: This letter is for you and, in the absence of Foster Dulles, for Bedell Smith and Bob Murphy as well.
I suspect, that at some highly inappropriate time in the near future, probably at some meeting of the Security Council, Vishinsky will echo the propaganda line now being put out by Molotov in Berlin—that we must agree not to use atomic weapons.
I would like to be in a position to give a quick answer which would be to the general effect that we would be glad to agree not to use atomic weapons except in self defense, and then, proceed to ask him why the Soviets did not cooperate with the President’s plan of December eighth.
Will you give this a high priority and try to get it cleared quickly, so that I (and the U.S.) do not get caught flat-footed on this extremely crucial phase of the “cold war”?
Faithfully yours,