Editorial Note
On September 17, Secretary Dulles addressed the Eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly on “Easing International Tensions: The Role of the UN”. During the course of his remarks, the Secretary noted that “the United States has already put forward [Page 1216] a series of” disarmament proposals at the United Nations “which have attracted widespread support” and he added: “We have faith that the time may come—it might come quickly and suddenly—when political leaders would be prepared to put into effect international agreements limiting armaments.” In the interim, he believed that the United Nations should continue to make studies to lay the foundation for quick action once the general atmosphere made such action possible. “But”, he added, “these studies need to be carried on to a still higher state of completion.” Secretary Dulles’ address is printed in Department of State Bulletin, September 28, 1953, pages 403–408.