Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, General: Economic and Political Matters, Volume I, Part 2

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, General: Economic and Political Matters, Volume I, Part 2
- David M. Baehler
- Herbert A. Fine
- Ralph R. Goodwin
- N. Stephen Kane
- Ronald D. Landa
- Lisle A. Rose
- William F. Sanford, Jr.
- Ilana M. Stern
General Editor:
- William Z. Slany
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations and Symbols
- Policy of the United States with regard to economic defense: attempts by the
United States to control East-West trade; stockpiling of strategic goods;
efforts to protect strategic industries abroad and to assure the supply of key
commodities required for the defense of the West (Documents 1–131)
- The development of United States policy regarding the applicability of
antitrust legislation to international petroleum companies (Documents 132–173)
- Foreign policy aspects of Congressional loyalty and security investigations,
1950–1954 (Documents 174–232)
- United States policy regarding immigration and migration programs (Documents 233–268)
- United States policy regarding the law of the sea (Documents 269–296)
- United States policy with regard to Antarctica (Documents 297–310)
- Bricker Amendment: (Documents 311–370)
- Index