793.943 Manchuria/53: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Gauss) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 3—1:58 p.m.]
354. Following from Tokyo.
“March 3, 6 p.m. Reference Department’s 319, November 28, 3 p.m.,94 extraterritoriality in Manchuria.
[Page 448]The Foreign Minister has replied to my note of December 2 [1?], 193796 (see despatch No. 2689 of December 9, 193797) under date of March l.98 The Foreign Minister’s note in translation refers to the subject matter of my note and concludes with the following paragraph.
‘The policy of the Government of Manchukuo in this instance, which concerns the treatment of nationals of third countries and juridical persons of third countries, is a matter in which the Japanese Government is not concerned and the Japanese Government, accordingly, regrets that it is not in a position to make any explanation’.
Please repeat to Peiping, Hankow and to the Department as our No. 146, March 3, 6 p.m. Grew”.