Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1938, The Far East, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1938, The Far East, Volume III
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
- John G. Reid
- Francis C. Prescott
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- Undeclared War Between Japan and China: (Documents 1–813)
- Political and military developments: (Documents 1–422)
- Chapter I: January 1–31, 1938 (Documents 1–72)
- Chapter II: February 1–March 14, 1938 (Documents 73–129)
- Chapter III: March 15–May 31, 1938 (Documents 130–176)
- Chapter IV: June 1–August 31, 1938 (Documents 177–258)
- Chapter V: September 1–October 31, 1938 (Documents 259–352)
- Chapter VI: November 1–December 31, 1938 (Documents 353–422)
- Chapter I: January 1–31, 1938 (Documents 1–72)
- Developments with respect to “Manchoukuo”; border
hostilities between Japanese and Soviet troops (Documents 423–486)
- China’s appeal for sanctions against Japan under the Covenant of the
League of Nations (Documents 487–529)
- Consideration of possibilities of financial aid to China; extension of
credit by Export-Import Bank (Documents 530–596)
- Efforts of China to secure war material from other countries (Documents 597–620)
- Bombing by the Japanese of civilian population in China; appeal by the
Department of State to American firms not to export aviation material to
Japan (Documents 621–640)
- Representations to the Japanese Government with respect to the integrity
of the Chinese Maritime Customs and Salt Revenue Administrations (Documents 641–813)
- Political and military developments: (Documents 1–422)
- Index