824.00 Revolutions/28
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Mr. Welles: Mr. Huneeus13 came in at the request of the Chilean Ambassador, who is out of town. Mr. Huneeus stated that the Ambassador has received a telegram from the Foreign Office regarding the Bolivian revolution and its effect upon the Chaco situation. Mr. Huneeus said that the telegram, after referring to that part of the manifesto of Colonel Busch which referred to the intention of his Government to honor its international engagements, stated that it would be desirable to have this attitude of the Bolivian Government reiterated by the Foreign Office. The Ambassador’s instructions point out that the note to the foreign governments requesting recognition did not refer to the intention of Bolivia to respect its international commitments. Therefore, the Chilean Foreign Office directed the Ambassador to inquire whether it would not be a good idea for the several mediatory countries to approach the Bolivian Government to secure a reiteration by the Bolivian Foreign Office of the statement made by Colonel Busch.
I told Mr. Huneeus that of course this Government desired to cooperate with the Chilean Government in every appropriate way, but I pointed out that, according to a telegram received from our Legation in La Paz, Peru has already recognized the Busch régime, and Brazil has the intention of doing so today. Under these circumstances I pointed out that it would not be possible for the mediatory powers to present a united point of view. I then went on to say that the statement of Colonel Busch had seemed to the Department to be clear and explicit, and expressed my own belief that it could be taken as the expression of the opinion of the new régime without any necessity for its reiteration by the Bolivian Foreign Office. The Busch statement reads as follows:
“1. The new Government will continue the traditional policy of peace, giving strict and permanent fulfillment to the international treaties in force.”
Mr. Huneeus stated that he thought the considerations I had expressed would be of interest to the Ambassador, but said that he knew the Ambassador would also appreciate learning your views, which I shall be glad to communicate to Mr. Huneeus.
- Sergio Huneeus, Chilean Counselor of Embassy.↩