Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1937, The American Republics, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1937, The American Republics, Volume V
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
- John G. Reid
- Francis C. Prescott
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- General: (Documents 1–211)
- Preliminaries to the Eighth International Conference of American States to
be held at Lima in 1938 (Documents 1–5)
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay: the Chaco Peace
Conference (Documents 6–29)
- Boundary disputes: (Documents 30–142)
- Ecuador and Peru (Documents 30–41)
- Honduras and Nicaragua (Documents 42–142)
- Ecuador and Peru (Documents 30–41)
- Request of Guatemala that the United States use its good offices with the
United Kingdom in support of Guatemalan claims with respect to Belize (Documents 143–148)
- Tender of good offices by the United States, Cuba, and Mexico to
conciliate differences between the Dominican Republic and Haiti (Documents 149–157)
- Project by Argentina for a multilateral convention on the right of
asylum (Documents 158–160)
- Proposal by the United States to lease destroyers to the American
Republics for training purposes (Documents 161–187)
- Cooperation of the United States with other governments in the
construction of the Inter-American Highway (Documents 188–209)
- Inter-American Technical Aviation Conference held at Lima, September
16–23, 1937 (Documents 210–211)
- Arrangement between the United States of America and other American Republics respecting radio communications, and annex, signed at Habana December 13, 1937
- Agreement between the United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico respecting regional broadcasting, signed at Habana December 13, 1937
- Preliminaries to the Eighth International Conference of American States to
be held at Lima in 1938 (Documents 1–5)
- Argentina: (Documents 212–254)
- Bolivia: (Documents 255–332)
- Revolution in Bolivia; recognition of the Busch Government (Documents 255–287)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United
States and Bolivia (Documents 288–291)
- Informal assistance to the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey in
connection with the confiscation of its properties in Bolivia (Documents 292–332)
- Revolution in Bolivia; recognition of the Busch Government (Documents 255–287)
- Brazil: (Documents 333–411)
- Abrogation of Brazilian constitution and promulgation of a new one
continuing President Vargas in office; continuance of diplomatic relations
without formal act of recognition (Documents 333–340)
- Operation of the trade agreement between the United States and Brazil (Document 341)
- Representations to the Brazilian Government regarding the German-Brazilian
commercial agreement (Documents 342–377)
- Representations to the Brazilian Government regarding the suspension of
service on certain foreign debts (Documents 378–393)
- Representations to the Brazilian Government regarding proposed insurance
legislation affecting the rights of American companies (Documents 394–404)
- Representations to the Brazilian Government for protection of American
interests affected by proposed legislation against alien ownership of
defense industries (Documents 405–408)
- Good offices of the Department of State in obtaining the assistance of the
American Navy in the building of warships in Brazil (Documents 409–411)
- Abrogation of Brazilian constitution and promulgation of a new one
continuing President Vargas in office; continuance of diplomatic relations
without formal act of recognition (Documents 333–340)
- Chile: (Documents 412–455)
- Colombia: (Documents 456–457)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 458–470)
- Ecuador: (Documents 471–527)
- El Salvador: (Documents 528–529)
- Haiti: (Documents 530–594)
- Postponement of negotiations respecting the termination of financial
control in Haiti pending efforts by Haiti to obtain a refunding loan (Documents 530–563)
- Good offices of the United States in negotiations for a renewal of the
Franco-Haitian commercial agreement; and in inducing France not to inject
the 1910 loan matter therein (Documents 564–594)
- Postponement of negotiations respecting the termination of financial
control in Haiti pending efforts by Haiti to obtain a refunding loan (Documents 530–563)
- Honduras: (Documents 595–603)
- Reservation by the United States of its rights in connection with the
provision of the Honduran constitution regarding the extension of
territorial waters (Documents 595–599)
- Opposition of the United States to employment of American aviators in
active military operations by Honduras (Documents 600–603)
- Reservation by the United States of its rights in connection with the
provision of the Honduran constitution regarding the extension of
territorial waters (Documents 595–599)
- Mexico: (Documents 604–686)
- Representations against further expropriation by the Mexican Government of
lands owned by American citizens until authorization for payment be
made (Documents 604–631)
- Concern of the United States respecting difficulties experienced by
American petroleum interests in Mexico (Documents 632–658)
- Efforts of the Department of State to protect interests of American
holders of bonds of Mexican National Railways upon its expropriation by the
Mexican Government (Documents 659–670)
- Discussion of an agreement between the United States and Mexico for a lump
sum settlement of general claims (Documents 671–676)
- Treaty between the United States and Mexico terminating article VIII of
the boundary treaty of December 30, 1853, signed April 13, 1937 (Document 677)
- Representations to the Mexican Government regarding the failure of Mexican
courts to punish adequately the murderer of an American citizen (Documents 678–686)
- Representations against further expropriation by the Mexican Government of
lands owned by American citizens until authorization for payment be
made (Documents 604–631)
- Panama:
- Paraguay: (Documents 687–736)
- Revolution in Paraguay; recognition of the Paiva Government (Documents 687–736)
- Revolution in Paraguay; recognition of the Paiva Government (Documents 687–736)
- Venezuela: (Documents 737–777)
- Index