File No. 493.11/465.
The Secretary of State to Minister Reinsch.
Washington, January 13, 1914.
On August 6 last, indemnity was settled to December 31, 1912. Treasury Department reports that between August 30, 1913, and January 7, 1914, the Chinese Government paid $1,082,805.69 on account of the 1913 quota of the indemnity. The amount to be retained by the United States for the calendar year 1913 being $539,588.76, there remains in the Treasury, after making interest adjustment, $543,007.63 to the credit of the Chinese Government. Detailed statement has been handed to the Chinese Legation here.
You will inquire of the Foreign Office whether this Government is to pay the amount last named to the Chinese Legation here, as was done on August 6 last, for the support of indemnity students in the United States and of the Chinghua College.24