- Message of the President, Belisario Porras, to the National
Assembly (Document 1719)
- Neutrality in the waters of the Isthmus of Panama: Protocol of an
agreement between the United States and Panama, signed at Washington October
10, 1914 (Document 1720)
- Assault on American citizens in Panama
(Documents 1721–1735)
- Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama; award made by the Chief
Justice of the United States; refusal of Panama to accept the award;
acceptance by Costa Rica of the good offices of the United States tendered
to both parties
(Documents 1736–1754)
- Railroad construction in Panama; attitude of the United States
(Documents 1755–1766)
- Control by the United States of wireless telegraph stations in Panama
(Documents 1767–1788)
- Panama Canal tolls.