File No. 847/224 C/J.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Legation of Panama.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note, No. 7, dated the 2d instant, which, pursuant to instructions from your Government, and in the absence, in New York City, of Minister Arosemena, you address to the department, and in which you quote a telegram from your Government stating that the transfer of the executive power in Panama, occasioned by the lamented death of President Obaldia, was effected in the greatest order and with the unanimous acquiescence of the friends and opponents of the deceased President’s administration, and that the opposition is absolutely patriotic and respectful of the constitution and laws of the country, and is working in complete harmony with the chiefs of the Executive.

The telegram further states that President Mendoza declares that he will pursue the policy of concord and toleration set by President Obaldia, and that it is his purpose to maintain the excellent relations and full understanding which the Panaman Executive has been cultivating with the Government of the United States.

Assuring you that your note has been read with great interest and appreciation, I beg you to accept, sir, the assurance of my high consideration.

Huntington Wilson.