Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1910

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1910
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the president, annual
- List of papers with subjects of correspondence
- Circulars correspondence. (Documents 1–3)
- Expatriation (Document 1)
- Protection of native Americans residing abroad (Document 2)
- Expatriation (Document 3)
- Expatriation (Document 1)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 4–33)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine
Republic (Documents 4–20)
- Fourth International Conference of American States (Documents 21–26)
- Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic (Documents 27–33)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine
Republic (Documents 4–20)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 34–53)
- Emigration and military service law of Hungary (Documents 34–38)
- Citizenship of Rudolf Warren Lippit (Documents 39–49)
- Extradition of Moritz Ormai to Austria-Hungary (Documents 50–53)
- Emigration and military service law of Hungary (Documents 34–38)
- Belgium (Documents 54–75)
- Right of agricultural corporation to purchase and hold land in the
Philippine Islands (Document 54)
- Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings
between Luxemburg and the United States (Documents 55–73)
- Third International Conference on Maritime Law, 1910 session (Documents 74–75)
- Right of agricultural corporation to purchase and hold land in the
Philippine Islands (Document 54)
- Brazil (Documents 76–90)
- Death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States (Documents 76–85)
- Naturalization convention between the United States and Brazil (Document 86)
- Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress (Document 87)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 88–90)
- Death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States (Documents 76–85)
- Bulgaria (Documents 91–102)
- Chile (Documents 103–158)
- Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United
States (Documents 103–109)
- Death of Señor Don Pedro Montt and Señor Don Elias Fernandez Albana,
President and Vice President, respectively, of Chile (Documents 110–121)
- Death of Señor Anibal Cruz, Chilean minister to the United States (Documents 122–126)
- Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile (Documents 127–142)
- Protocol between the United States and Chile, arbitration of the Alsop
claim (Documents 143–146)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of Chile (Documents 147–155)
- Protection of children born in Chile of Chinese parents (Documents 156–157)
- Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress (Document 158)
- Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United
States (Documents 103–109)
- China (Documents 159–356)
- Status of American corporations in the Chinese Empire (Document 159)
- Taxes levied in Manchuria upon foreign goods certified as exempt
therefrom (Document 160)
- Copyrights in China and Japan (Document 161)
- Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal
administration at Harbin (Documents 162–193)
- Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria (Documents 194–240)
- The Hukuang Railway loan (Documents 241–267)
- Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question
in the Far East (Documents 268–321)
- Political affairs in China (Documents 322–327)
- Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-T’ao to the United
States (Documents 328–336)
- Riots at Chang-Sha and claims arising therefrom (Documents 337–352)
- The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme (Documents 353–356)
- Status of American corporations in the Chinese Empire (Document 159)
- Colombia (Documents 357–405)
- Costa Rica (Documents 406–424)
- Earthquakes in Costa Rica (Documents 406–424)
- Earthquakes in Costa Rica (Documents 406–424)
- Cuba (Documents 425–432)
- Jurisdiction over American citizens in the Isle of Pines (Documents 425–426)
- Attitude of the United States concerning political disturbances in
Cuba (Document 427)
- Raising of the wreck of the U. S. S. Maine (Documents 428–432)
- Jurisdiction over American citizens in the Isle of Pines (Documents 425–426)
- Denmark (Documents 433–434)
- Expatriation act construed for purposes of immigration act (Document 433)
- Commercial convention between Denmark and France (Document 434)
- Expatriation act construed for purposes of immigration act (Document 433)
- Dominican Republic (Document 435)
- Ecuador (Documents 436–579)
- Messages of President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorian Congress (Documents 436–437)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Ecuador (Document 438)
- Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru—Mediation of the United States,
Argentina, and Brazil (Documents 439–579)
- Messages of President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorian Congress (Documents 436–437)
- France (Documents 580–594)
- Floods in France (Documents 580–587)
- Presentation of statue of George Washington by people of Virginia to
people of France (Documents 588–590)
- Naturalization and military service case of Rene Dubuc (Documents 591–594)
- Floods in France (Documents 580–587)
- Germany (Documents 595–600)
- Prosecution by the United States of American citizens for crimes committed
in foreign countries (Documents 595–596)
- Alleged discrimination against foreign creditors by American
courts—Americans as preferred creditors (Documents 597–598)
- Immunities of unclassified vice consular officers (Documents 599–600)
- Prosecution by the United States of American citizens for crimes committed
in foreign countries (Documents 595–596)
- Great Britain (Documents 601–668)
- Death of His Majesty King Edward VII and succession of His Majesty King
George V to the throne (Documents 601–620)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to boundary
waters between the United States and Canada (Document 621)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to the
boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay (Document 622)
- The North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration—Decision of the Permanent
Court of Arbitration at The Hague in the case submitted by the United States
and Great Britain (Documents 623–625)
- Grounds for the Dissent to the Award on Question V by Dr. Luis M.
Drago. (Document 624)
- Report of the Agent of the United States. (Document 625)
- Grounds for the Dissent to the Award on Question V by Dr. Luis M.
Drago. (Document 624)
- Declarations by the United States and Great Britain exempting commercial
travelers’ samples from customs inspection (Documents 626–627)
- Taking of testimony by consular officers (Documents 628–631)
- Compulsory immigration, case of Alfred Lumb (Documents 632–635)
- Proposed alternative procedure for the International Prize Court and the
investment of the International Prize Court with the functions of a court of
arbitral justice (Documents 636–668)
- Death of His Majesty King Edward VII and succession of His Majesty King
George V to the throne (Documents 601–620)
- Greece (Documents 669–672)
- Marriage of American women to the subjects of Greece (Document 669)
- Trial in Greece of Greek subjects for extraditable crimes committed in the
United States (Documents 670–672)
- Marriage of American women to the subjects of Greece (Document 669)
- Guatemala (Document 673)
- Haiti (Document 674)
- Message of the President of Haiti to the Haitian Congress (Document 674)
- Message of the President of Haiti to the Haitian Congress (Document 674)
- Honduras (Documents 675–678)
- Italy (Documents 679–702)
- Extradition of Porter Charlton, an American citizen, from the United
States to Italy (Documents 679–690)
- Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of
Pennsylvania (Documents 691–698)
- Alleged violation of article 6 of the consular convention of 1878 between
the United States and Italy (Documents 699–700)
- Functions of consular officers concerning wills (Documents 701–702)
- Extradition of Porter Charlton, an American citizen, from the United
States to Italy (Documents 679–690)
- Japan (Documents 703–708)
- Administration of affairs in Korea (Documents 703–708)
- Administration of affairs in Korea (Documents 703–708)
- Kongo (Documents 709–713)
- Affairs in the Kongo (Documents 709–713)
- Affairs in the Kongo (Documents 709–713)
- Liberia (Documents 714–732)
- Affairs in Liberia (Documents 714–732)
- Affairs in Liberia (Documents 714–732)
- Mexico (Documents 733–764)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Mexican
Republic (Documents 733–740)
- Negotiations between the United States and Mexico for the arbitration of
the Chamizal case (Documents 741–747)
- Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico to the United States (Documents 748–760)
- Message of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress (Document 761)
- Authentication of extradition papers by consular officers (Documents 762–763)
- Translation of papers in extradition cases (Document 764)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Mexican
Republic (Documents 733–740)
- Morocco (Documents 765–768)
- Netherlands (Documents 769–770)
- Extradition proceedings, expenses (Documents 769–770)
- Extradition proceedings, expenses (Documents 769–770)
- Nicaragua (Documents 771–827)
- Revolution in Nicaragua (Documents 771–827)
- Revolution in Nicaragua (Documents 771–827)
- Norway (Documents 828–832)
- Death of Mr. Ove Gude, Norwegian minister to the United States (Documents 828–832)
- Death of Mr. Ove Gude, Norwegian minister to the United States (Documents 828–832)
- Panama (Documents 833–894)
- Death of the President of Panama (Documents 833–837)
- Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica
and Panama—Good offices of the United States (Documents 838–894)
- Death of the President of Panama (Documents 833–837)
- Persia (Documents 895–901)
- Death of His Imperial Highness the Regent of Persia (Documents 895–901)
- Death of His Imperial Highness the Regent of Persia (Documents 895–901)
- Portugal (Documents 902–921)
- Revolution in Portugal (Documents 902–912)
- Commercial arrangement effected by exchange of notes between the United
States and Portugal (Documents 913–916)
- Military service case of Antonio S. Nunes (Documents 917–921)
- Revolution in Portugal (Documents 902–912)
- Russia (Documents 922–928)
- Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria (Documents 922–926)
- Jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of nontreaty nations (Documents 927–928)
- Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria (Documents 922–926)
- Salvador (Document 929)
- Siam (Documents 930–947)
- Death of the King of Siam and succession to the throne of King Maha
Vajiravudh to the throne (Documents 930–942)
- Open tenders for government work (Documents 943–944)
- Enforcement of local laws by United States consular courts in
extraterritorial countries (Documents 945–947)
- Death of the King of Siam and succession to the throne of King Maha
Vajiravudh to the throne (Documents 930–942)
- Spain (Documents 948–950)
- Turkey (Documents 951–953)
- American religious, charitable, and educational institutions in
Turkey (Documents 951–953)
- American religious, charitable, and educational institutions in
Turkey (Documents 951–953)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 954–955)
- Venezuela (Documents 956–960)
- Celebration of the first centenary of the independence of Venezuela (Documents 956–959)
- Message of the President of Venezuela to the Venezuelan Congress (Document 960)
- Celebration of the first centenary of the independence of Venezuela (Documents 956–959)
- International conferences and conventions
- Conventions of the Second International Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1907, proclaimed February 28, 1910
- Fourth International Conference of American States
- Third International Conference on Maritime Law, 1910 session
- Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East
- The International Prize Court and the Proposed Court of Arbitral Justice
- Index