Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 4, 1882

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 4, 1882
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President of the United States.
- Foreign Relations.
- List of papers, with their subjects.
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 1–4)
- Austria-Hungary. (Document 5)
- Belgium. (Documents 6–12)
- Bolivia. (Document 13)
- Brazil. (Documents 14–22)
- Central America. (Documents 23–33)
- Chili. (Documents 34–69)
- Correspondence with the legation of Chili at Washington. (Documents 64–69)
- Correspondence with the legation of Chili at Washington. (Documents 64–69)
- China. (Documents 70–80)
- Colombia. (Documents 81–82)
- France. (Documents 83–90)
- Germany. (Documents 91–101)
- Great Britain. (Documents 102–221)
- Appendix. (Documents 178–202)
- Correspondence with the legation of Great Britain at Washington. (Documents 203–221)
- Appendix. (Documents 178–202)
- Guatemala. (Documents 222–227)
- Correspondence with the legation of Guatemala at Washington. (Documents 222–227)
- Correspondence with the legation of Guatemala at Washington. (Documents 222–227)
- Hawaii. (Documents 228–235)
- Hayti. (Documents 236–245)
- Italy. (Documents 246–253)
- Japan. (Documents 254–258)
- Liberia. (Documents 259–262)
- Mexico. (Documents 263–321)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 276–321)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 276–321)
- Netherlands. (Documents 322–323)
- Russia. (Documents 324–336)
- Spain. (Documents 337–361)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 362–363)
- Turkey. (Documents 364–385)
- Venezuela. (Documents 386–405)
- Alphabetical Index.