Mr. Fish, Secretary of State, to Mr. Roberts, Spanish minister.

Sir: Referring to your interview with Mr. Davis yesterday, wherein you requested that steps might be taken to prevent the steamer William Foster from going to the aid of persons on Gardner’s Island who are supposed to be concerned in a military expedition intended to operate against Spain in Cuba, and in which you said that the William Foster was in New York, but precisely where you could not state, but that the books of the custom-house would show, I have now to inform you that a telegram was at once sent to the district attorney and to the marshal at New York instructing them to inquire at the custom-house for information, and to comply with your request in that respect, and that each of them has replied by telegraph that the vessel cannot be found.

As they have full authority in the premises, and the power, if necessary, to call out troops and to use the naval forces of the republic, I will thank you to communicate any information you have on this subject directly to them, to the end that delay may be avoided, and that the laws may be enforced.

I am, sir, with very high consideration, your obedient servant,


Señor Don M. Lopez Roberts, &c., &c., &c.