Mr. Fish, Secretary of State, to Mr. Pierrepont, district attorney, and to Mr. Barlow, United States marshal.

[104] Sirs: The President intends that there be no want of power placed at your disposal for the arrest of any expedition or enterprise in violation of the neutrality laws, or of the international obligations of this Government. If you cannot get a sufficient naval force, including marines, or if you think that any part of the land forces of the United States, in addition to the naval forces placed at your disposal by authority of the President and under instructions from this Department under date of 13th instant, are necessary or even desirable (in your *judgment) for the successful accomplishment of the duty committed to you, you, and each of you, are authorized to call upon General McDowell, in command of the military force in New [Page 811] York, for whatever force you may think necessary. Orders have been directed to General McDowell in accordance with this advice.

By orders of the President.

I am, sir,


Edwards Pierrepont, Esq., District Attorney.

Francis C. Barlow, Esq., Marshal, New York.