Mr. Bowman, special deputy collector, to Mr. Ham, Spanish consul.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of the 8th instant, calling my attention to the fact of Cuban agents operating in this port in behalf of the insurgents in Cuba, and expressing the hope that I may adopt such steps as will prevent the departure of warlike materials, &c.

In answer, I have the honor to state that your information has been anticipated by the authorities at Washington, who have issued instructions to me on the subject.

In accordance with these instructions, I immediately organized a detective force, and hope, if there be any parties who contemplate an expedition to Cuba, in violation of the laws, that I may be able to find out all about it, and prevent it. You may rest satisfied of my sincere desire to enforce the neutrality laws of the United States, and to this end I would be thankful for any information that may be in your possession as to the objects and intentions of the agents referred to in your communication.

I have the honor to be, &c.,

  • R. W. BOWMAN,
    Special Deputy Collector.
  • Francisco M. de Harn,
    Spanish Consul.