Mr. M. de Warn, Spanish consul, to Mr. Thomas, collector.
Collector’s Office, July 8, 1869.
Sir: In consequence of the just measures lately taken by the New York authorities in order to prevent the departure of expeditions with war material for the insurgents in Cuba, it seems that Cuban agents have turned their eyes toward this port as a base of the operations which they failed to accomplish in New York, thanks to the activity of the authorities.
It is my duty, as the one intrusted at this port with the protection of Spanish interests, to make the above known to your honor, praying that you may be pleased to adopt such steps as will prevent the departure of war-materials suspected of a destination for the insurgents in Cuba.
I doubt not but that, with your well-known zeal, you will grant due consideration to my request; by doing which, Spain will receive a special favor, and the laws of neutrality will be fully carried out.
I avail the opportunity to subscribe myself, &c.,
[95] *Spanish Consul.
Hon. John L. Thomas, Jr.,
Collector of the Port of Baltimore.