Mr. Stilwell to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I beg to inform the department that we arrived in this city on the evening of December 6, making the trip from New York to La Gnayra in eleven days.
When we arrived at St. Thomas, we found that the recent earthquake, on the 18th of November, had so disabled the vessels in the Atlantic squadron at that point that it was impossible for Admiral Palmer to comply with the order from the Secretary of the Navy to send me in a government vessel to La Guayra, consequently I made the trip in a small yacht.
On the 9th instant I addressed a note to the honorable Jacinto Gutierrez, minister of foreign affairs, announcing my arrival, and informing him of my being a bearer of a sealed letter from the President of the United States of America to the President of the republic of Venezuela, (an open office copy of which I forwarded to him at the same time,) and asking him to designate a convenient time and place when I could have an audience with him and place the same in his hands.
A copy of this note I inclose, marked inclosure No. 1.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.