Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the Third Session of the Fortieth Congress

Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the Third Session of the Fortieth Congress
United States Government Printing Office
- Papers relating to foreign affairs.
- Correspondence. (Documents 1–668)
- Spain. (Documents 1–41)
- Spanish legation. (Documents 26–41)
- Spanish legation. (Documents 26–41)
- North German Union. (Documents 42–61)
- Prussia. (Documents 42–61)
- Prussia. (Documents 42–61)
- Austria. (Documents 62–67)
- Italy. (Documents 68–74)
- Belgium. (Documents 75–84)
- Denmark. (Documents 85–92)
- Portugal. (Documents 93–99)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 100–102)
- Turkey. (Documents 103–115)
- Greece. (Documents 116–134)
- Egypt. (Documents 135–142)
- Morocco. (Documents 143–146)
- Tunis. (Documents 147–158)
- Switzerland. (Documents 159–167)
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 168–175)
- Brazil. (Documents 176–197)
- Chili. (Documents 198–211)
- Chilian legation. (Documents 210–211)
- Chilian legation. (Documents 210–211)
- Costa Rica. (Documents 212–218)
- Guatemala. (Documents 219–220)
- Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 221–227)
- Hayti. (Documents 228–244)
- Haytien legation. (Documents 243–244)
- Haytien legation. (Documents 243–244)
- Liberia. (Documents 245–249)
- Mexico. (Documents 250–369)
- Mexican legation. (Documents 358–369)
- Mexican legation. (Documents 358–369)
- Nicaragua. (Documents 370–377)
- Nicaraguan legation. (Documents 376–377)
- Nicaraguan legation. (Documents 376–377)
- Paraguay. (Documents 378–469)
- Appendix. (Documents 408–469)
- Appendix. (Documents 408–469)
- Peru. (Documents 470–547)
- Peruvian legation. (Documents 521–547)
- Peruvian legation. (Documents 521–547)
- Salvador. (Documents 548–556)
- Venezuela. (Documents 557–608)
- Legation of Venezuela. (Documents 601–608)
- Legation of Venezuela. (Documents 601–608)
- Uruguay. (Document 609)
- United States of Colombia. (Documents 610–668)
- Colombian legation. (Documents 665–668)
- Colombian legation. (Documents 665–668)
- Spain. (Documents 1–41)