Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume II, Vietnam, January–June 1965

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume II, Vietnam, January–June 1965
- David C. Humphrey
- Ronald D. Landa
- Louis J. Smith
General Editor:
- Glenn W. LaFantasie
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Selection and Editorial Policies
- Sources
- Abbreviations and Terms
- Persons
- Vietnam January-June 1965 (Documents 1–351)
- Political instability within South Vietnam; U.S. retaliatory air strikes
against North Vietnam January 1–February 11 (Documents 1–108)
- Initiation of a program of air strikes against North Vietnam; Introduction
of U.S. ground combat forces, February 11–March 8 (Documents 109–188)
- Increase in U.S. ground forces in Vietnam and consideration by the U.S.
Government of a bombing pause, March 8–May 8 (Documents 189–287)
- The bombing pause; Assessment of the bombing program and U.S. troop
requirements; Change of government in South Vietnam, May 10–June 12 (Documents 288–351)
- Political instability within South Vietnam; U.S. retaliatory air strikes
against North Vietnam January 1–February 11 (Documents 1–108)
- Index