Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Volume X, Part 1, Eastern Europe Region; Soviet Union; Cyprus

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Volume X, Part 1, Eastern Europe Region; Soviet Union; Cyprus
- Ronald D. Landa
- James E. Miller
- David S. Patterson
- Charles S. Sampson
General Editor:
- Glenn W. LaFantasie
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Persons
- Eastern Europe Region (Documents 1–35)
- Soviet Union (Documents 36–168)
- January–February 1958: Soviet Announcement of a Reduction in Its Armed
Forces; Ambassador Mikhail A. Menshikov’s Presentation of Credentials (Documents 36–38)
- Soviet Charges of U.S. Violations of Its Air Space; Changes in the Soviet
Leadership, March–June 1958 (Documents 39–46)
- June–December 1958: C–118 and C–130 Airplane Incidents; U.S. Balloon
Reconnaissance Program; Visits to the Soviet Union of Adlai E. Stevenson,
Eric Johnston, and Hubert Humphrey (Documents 47–58)
- January–February 1959: Visit to The United States of Anastas I. Mikoyan;
The 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Documents 59–73)
- May–June 1959: Visit to the Soviet Union of W. Averell Harriman (Documents 74–77)
- June–July 1959: Visit to The United States of Frol R. Kozlov (Documents 78–91)
- July–August 1959: Visit to the Soviet Union of Richard M. Nixon (Documents 92–107)
- September–December 1959: Visit to the United States of Nikita S.
Khrushchev (Documents 108–139)
- January–February 1960: Resumption and Suspension of Lend-Lease
Negotiations; Visit to the Soviet Union of Henry Cabot Lodge (Documents 140–146)
- May–July 1960: The U–2 Airplane Incident (Documents 147–156)
- July–September 1960: The RB-47 Airplane Incident (Documents 157–165)
- September–October 1960: Visit to The United Nations of Nikita S.
Khrushchev (Documents 166–168)
- January–February 1958: Soviet Announcement of a Reduction in Its Armed
Forces; Ambassador Mikhail A. Menshikov’s Presentation of Credentials (Documents 36–38)
- Cyprus (Documents 169–363)
- January–April 1958: U.S. Support for the Foot Proposals (Documents 169–196)
- May–June 1958: The Macmillan Proposals (Documents 197–241)
- July–October 1958: Revision and Implementation of the Macmillan Proposals;
Efforts to Convene a NATO Conference on Cyprus (Documents 242–285)
- November–December 1958: Discussions at the United Nations (Documents 286–296)
- December 1958–February 1959: The Final Settlement on Cyprus (Documents 297–311)
- February 1959–July 1960: Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus; Efforts
By the United States to Secure Its Interests (Documents 312–355)
- August–December 1960: Initial U.S. Relations With the Republic of
Cyprus (Documents 356–363)
- January–April 1958: U.S. Support for the Foot Proposals (Documents 169–196)
- Index