195. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom0

7805. Deliver following message from the President to Prime Minister Macmillan. Advise date time delivery. Info copy given Caccia today.

“March 2, 1959.

Dear Harold:

Following your return to London, I hasten to felicitate you on the firmness of your presentation respecting Western rights in the Berlin situation. At the very least you demonstrated to the world that strength does not depend upon discourtesy, a great contrast to the provocative attitude and statements of Khrushchev during your visit there. Thank you very much for the care you took to inform us on a day by day basis of your Russian experience.

I assume that you are now going to visit both Bonn and Paris. I assure you once again that you will be most welcome if you find it [Page 409] desirable to come to Washington. We could have a most informal meeting, without any social engagements, and should have a day or two of good talks while you are here. I am quite sure that nothing is so important as to have our ideas and plans concerted among the four of us and, so far as possible with the complete NATO group. Certain elements of the situation constantly change so it is extremely important that our agreements and our plans are in accord therewith.

Do let me know as soon as convenient whether you can come and approximate timing.

With warm regard,

As ever,


P.S. Just as I was finished dictating this note, I had yours that was written apparently the first thing Monday morning.1 I was delighted to note the change in Khrushchev’s tone and assure you that I will pay very great attention to the final paragraph of your message.”

Observe Presidential Handling.

  1. Source: Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204. Secret; Presidential Handling. Drafted in S/S; cleared by the President, Herter, and Merchant; and approved by Calhoun.
  2. In this one-page message, dated March 2, Macmillan noted that the atmosphere in Moscow had improved and that Gromyko had shown Lloyd an advance copy of the Soviet reply to the Western note of February 16 (see Document 194). Macmillan commented that there was “a lot of the usual tiresome stuff” in the note, but that the last paragraphs deserved careful study. He closed with: “I hope your people will study this note carefully, and if I may say so I hope too that you will ensure that they refrain from any hasty or too hostile reaction.” (Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204)