192. Telegram From the Embassy in Indonesia to the Department of State1

1110. Deptel 712.2 Reports Sukarno speeches October 28 and 30 (my telegrams 10553 and 10724) were based on press versions available here. We are attempting secure text or tape-recordings possibly made. Unless these can be secured import of his remarks necessarily rests on somewhat conflicting versions those who heard him. These [Page 327] versions tend to be altered with time and discussion which has followed. Director President’s Cabinet Pringgodigdo who was present told Embassy officer Bandung speech badly reported, that Sukarno did not make invidious comparison impressions he had received US and West to those he received Communist countries but had said that US and Western European countries were complete in organization their societies and economies whereas Communist countries visited were still in process and situation in latter more comparable to that Indonesia.

Former Minister Finance Sumitro told Embassy officer last night that Sukarno in Bandung speech had retracted stand he took in October 28 speech calling for “burial” political parties because of strong opposition by various parties, especially by NU. He claimed Sukarno put greater emphasis in second speech on improvement political parties. According Sumitro groups to which President was trying to appeal (youth and army) are split between those who would accept Sukarno as symbol and leader and those who would not. He said this fact, together with strong opposition Sukarno’s remarks had raised among political leaders, would cool Sukarno off.

Foreign Minister Abdulgani today expressed himself briefly on Sukarno’s recent declarations when I asked jocularly in reference coming constitutional assembly whether Indonesia would now write constitution or operate by Presidential decree. Abdulgani admitted Sukarno may have example Mao Tse-tung in forefront his mind but that 11 years effort Indonesian leaders have made educate their people in parliamentary democracy cannot be extinguished that easily. He said further rationalization still excessive number political parties (somewhat reduced by last elections) is necessary but there must remain religious, Nationalist and Communist organizations to lead those three broad sectors Indonesian political opinion.

Antara today reports effort by Pantja Sua party to hold exploratory meetings of President and responsible leaders to find way out of difficulties facing Indonesia. Pantja Sila proposes setting up national consultative committee composed of representatives of all parties which would work to establish federation of parties. Party lines would then be abolished and would establish party congress which would be composed of all national elements.

Comment: One reason for variety sometimes conflicting impressions Sukarno makes on his listeners is his general and loose style of speaking. This probably not entirely accidental as Sukarno undoubtedly wishes find word which will please often conflicting political viewpoints his listeners. Evidence available suggests Sukarno returned from his recent world tour with some delusion grandeur but I believe any actions which will grow out of his recent speeches will be considerably toned down by realities situation which, no matter [Page 328] how much Sukarno may wish it were otherwise, would hardly reduce to monolithic political [garble] serious if not disastrous defections.

I will comment further if full text speeches becomes available.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 756D.11/11–556. Confidential.
  2. Telegram 712 to Djakarta, November 2, requested the Embassy’s evaluation of Sukarno’s speeches of October 28 and 30. (Ibid., 756D.11/11–256)
  3. Telegram 1055 from Djakarta, November 1, reported news of and reactions to Sukarno’s speech of October 28. (Ibid., 756D.11/11–156)
  4. See footnote 5, supra.