176. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1
1077. Luns saw Secretary re Indonesian debt repudiation2 immediately before Secretary’s departure for Washington. Luns pressed for US condemnation in Djakarta of Indonesian action and Secretary gave it as his impression that US has already expressed concern to Indonesians. In response Luns’ indication that, if so, Indonesians do not appear to understand or appreciate US attitude, Secretary said if US concern has not in fact already been made known, US will do so. Secretary stressed and Luns agreed that Dutch should give no publicity to US representations and that fact we have or are prepared to make known our concern to Indonesians should be held closely among Luns’ cabinet colleagues.
Secretary concurred in Luns‘ suggestion that Dutch Chargé Washington discuss situation further with Department.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 856D.10/8–2556. Secret. Repeated to Djakarta and The Hague.↩
- A memorandum of the conversation by Barbour, dated August 24, is ibid., Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 760.↩
- The Chargé was informed orally on August 27 that Ambassador Cumming had discussed the subject with Prime Minister Ali, but that the Indonesian reaction gave no indication that they were prepared to alter their announced position. (Memorandum of conversation by Lancaster, August 27; ibid., Central Files, 856D.10/8–2756) This information was conveyed formally by a note dated August 31, replying to the Netherlands note of August 13. (Ibid., 856D.10/8–1356)↩