309. Memorandum of a Conference With the President, White House, Washington, October 29, 19571
- Admiral Strauss
- General Goodpaster
Admiral Strauss referred to the meeting the President had just had with Dr. Rabi, General Cutler, Gordon Gray and himself.2 He said that Dr. Rabi is a brilliant scientist and a friend of long standing to whom he is deeply devoted. He thought it necessary, however, to examine very thoroughly the proposals he is making from the standpoint of national risks and international purposes. Sometimes these proposals have not been thought through, and must be modified when mature, experienced judgment in these broader matters is applied to them. The President recalled that he had many times thought that if in fact we are ahead in the types of atomic weapons we have, we should stop testing at once in order to “freeze” our lead. Admiral Strauss reiterated his point about the Russians being able to steal our secrets. He also told the President that Dr. Rabi and Dr. Teller have opposed each other very sharply over many years, for example with respect to the development of the hydrogen weapon.
Admiral Strauss said he hopes that the President had not modified his statement to the British that there are of course some things they cannot have in the atomic field. The President said he had made this point not once, but twice, indicating that there are some things he will not allow anyone to tell him. Admiral Strauss said that Senator Anderson has questioned the security standards of the British, and in [Page 756] consequence questioned whether we should turn over information to them. The President concluded by saying that the British have a security system which in many ways is superior to our own….