276. Telegram From the Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
55. London for Secretary. Paris for Perkins. Department for Herter. Following is text Chancellor Adenauer’s reply to Secretary’s letter August 1 transmitted in London tel 109.2
“Dear Mr. Dulles: I particularly welcomed your quick reply to my letter of yesterday. I am particularly pleased at the new and clear addition to the Western proposals that the territories to be covered by ground inspection shall not be smaller than that covered by aerial inspection. It is also extremely valuable to me to read your assurance that all important details of the inspection system will be subject to fullest consultation in NATO. I should like to recommend, if the Soviets should go so far in negotiations, that details of an inspection system should at first be worked out and tried out in an area where no special political difficulties exist.
I further appreciate your statement that if the Soviets reject the entire European zone, detailed discussions will then take place in NATO about the smaller solution. As things now stand, I believe after careful reflection that I can agree to the Western proposals. Ambassador Blankenhorn has instructions to indicate this in the NATO Council.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.62A/8–257. Secret; Priority; Niact. Repeated niact to Paris and to the Department of State as telegram 386, which is the source text.↩
- Document 273.↩