274. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Department of State1
Dulte 14. Eyes Only Acting Secretary for President from Secretary.
Dear Mr. President:
Today has been highlighted by an exchange of messages between Adenauer and myself2 and Pineau’s arrival here.
The Chancellor is obviously and understandably worried about the European zone. If matters had not gone as far as they have it would surely have been preferable for US to start with a relatively innocuous zone and not think of tackling the problems inherent in inspection in the heart of divided Europe. As it is, I think he realized that he must go along and I think we have done everything possible to protect his position. I interpret his reply to me as authorizing us to go ahead subject to two conditions which the four Western powers agreed to this afternoon.
Pineau arrived for luncheon with me at the residence. He showed his preoccupation about Algeria but otherwise was quite silent.
Then we had the four Western power meeting where he appeared and recapitulated the French objections to almost everything.
The fact is that as soon as you scratch beneath the surface of generalities and approach practical details the measure of disagreement is immense. For example, the French having for long accepted the figure of 750,000 for manpower now say that this must exclude reserves called back into active service. Of course this makes a mockery of the figure but the French cannot carry on the Algerian war within the ceiling about which they had been talking for the past two years.
I sometimes tend to wonder as to whether it is prudent to try to carry on so elaborate an effort which evokes so much allied disagreement even before we have a case to present to the Russians.
Last night I had an intensely interesting dinner with Macmillan and Lloyd. We covered the waterfront in an atmosphere of greatest intimacy and frankness. It was very much worthwhile and I think alone justified my coming here. I will tell you more of this when I get [Page 682] back which I hope will be sometime Saturday.3 Possibly we shall stop at Bermuda for a swim.
Faithfully yours, Foster.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330.13/8–157. Secret; Eyes Only. Another copy of this telegram is initiated “DE” in the President’s handwriting. (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles–Herter Series)↩
- See Document 169.↩
- August 3.↩
- The telegram is unsigned.↩