262. Editorial Note
On July 22, Secretary of State Dulles delivered a radio and television address on disarmament. In a letter to President Eisenhower, July 16, enclosing a draft of his proposed speech, Dulles wrote in part: “I have checked with Stassen as to timing and he agrees that this is a good time for such a speech.” He continued, “Of course the speech follows closely the official position which you have approved, on the basis of which Stassen is operating.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles–Herter Series) In a note to Dulles, July 17, Eisenhower replied: “I think this is fine and should be given. I have made a few little pencilled suggestions.” (Ibid.) For text of Dulles’ speech, see Department of State Bulletin, August 12, 1957, pages 267–272.