198. Record of Actions and Decisions Taken at a Meeting in Secretary Dulles’ Office, Department of State, Washington, May 17, 19571
[Here follows a list of participants which is identical to the one printed supra.]
- Governor Stassen’s Disarmament Proposals
The following are actions and decisions of the meeting:
Mr. Stassen and his staff are to re-cast his May 9 proposals2 along the lines of an international document to show what it would look like if it were to be negotiated and thus eliminating many of the purely American domestic short cuts in it. In this process they will:
in paragraph 2: Elaborate the concept of manufacture and use of nuclear weapons before and/or during hostilities.
in Paragraph 4: Specify that re-fabrication of existing weapons is not excluded and re-arrange the order of the developments to make clear that an inspection system must be designed and installed first.
in Paragraph 12: Make clear that paragraph 12 applies to both nuclear and conventional armaments.
Admiral Strauss will promptly consult with Governor Stassen on the restricted data3 implications of some of the latter’s proposals and thereafter formulate the AEC position on those proposals by May 22.
Secretary Wilson will get the JCS and Defense comments on the first 18 paragraphs (and executing provisions of the last paragraphs) of the Stassen proposals ready by the middle or end of next week but will not attempt detailed analysis of the latter phases of the Stassen proposals which are largely designed for political purposes.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/5–1757. Secret. Prepared by Greene. For a summary of this meeting, see supra. A footnote to the source text reads: “IO—Messrs. Owsley and Baker are preparing a summary record of the meeting.”↩
- See Document 195.↩
- The word “data” is inserted in handwriting on the source text.↩