- Abello, Emilio, 404, 421–422, 474, 805
- Acheson, Dean G., 7n,
8, 54, 96–97, 181–183
- ANZUS Council, 158, 160, 170–171, 172–180, 186–194, 196–201, 202, 204, 210, 213, 214n, 226–227, 228, 229n, 237–238
- ANZUS–North Atlantic Treaty Organization relationship, 169
- ANZUS Pact, 75–77, 166
- China, People’s Republic of, naval blockade of, 112–114, 121n
- Chinese intervention in Indochina, warning against, 91–92, 114
- Communist aggression in Southeast Asia, 122, 156
- Five-power military talks, 210n, 268–269, 271, 276
- Pacific Council, 93–94, 105–106, 117–119
- Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting, 102–104, 115, 139–141
- U.S.-U.K. Foreign Ministers meeting, 135–137
- Acly, Robert A., 675–676
- Adair, Charles W., 169
- Adenauer, Konrad, 917
- Afghanistan, 679, 782
- Africa, 33
- Afro-Asian Conference, 1084–1085
- Agricultural surplus programs, 814, 1027–1028
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, 948, 1027, 1028
- Albert, Capt. Carlos, 495, 520n, 647n
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 259, 318–319, 353, 357–358, 549–550, 571, 657–658, 822, 971–972
- Alexander of Tunis, Field Marshal Harold R. L. G., 570–571
- Ali, Mohammed, 947, 1055
- Ali, Syed Amjad, 411n, 442, 676, 758–761, 1029–1030, 1056, 1077
- Ali Sastroamidjojo, 424, 653n, 705n, 706n
- Allen, Denis, 657–658, 833, 1051–1052
- Allen, George V., 678–679, 713–715
- Allen, J. L., 648–649
- Allen, Ward P., 233n
- Allison, John M., 8n,
24, 28–29, 94–96, 110n, 212–213, 263–265, 911
- ANZUS Council, 193, 204–206, 220, 238
- ANZUS Pact, 82–83
- China, People’s Republic of, naval blockade of, 121n
- Communist aggression in Southeast Asia, 75n, 115, 119–123, 155
- Five-power military talks, 211n, 239n, 285
- Japan, rearmament of, 551
- Northeast Asia Security Pact, 694–695, 711n
- Pacific Pact, 212–213
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 907
- Tripartite Conference on Defense of Southeast Asia, 145–148
- Tripartite Declaration of Intent re Southeast Asia, 214–216
- American Legion, 378
- Anderson, Capt. George W., 457n
- Anderson, Robert B., 464, 465, 512, 513–514, 767–769
- Anti-Fascist Peoples’ Freedom League, 423n
- ANZAM (Australia-New Zealand-Malaya defense area), 99, 101, 162, 164, 176, 214n, 224, 225, 317, 345
- ANZUS (Australia-New
Zealand-United States defense organization), 75,
86–87, 118, 165–169, 435–437, 569, 611
- ANZAM, relationship with, 200, 221, 257, 263, 280, 317, 329, 336, 348–349, 353
- China, People’s Republic of, covert action by, 541, 545
- Council. See ANZUS Council.
- Expansion of, possible, 263–264, 400–401
- Five-power planning studies, 338–339, 346–347
- Hong Kong, activities in, 264
- Malaya, activities in, 264
- Military planning, U.S. position, 944
- Military Representatives. See ANZUS Military Representatives.
- “White-only” group issue, 260–263, 275, 335
- ANZUS Council, 81, 98, 172–174, 194, 197, 204
- Australian position, 347–348
- British participation, 171, 178–180, 228–229, 237–239, 256–260, 264, 317, 335–337, 340, 343–344, 349–350, 353n, 435, 525
- China, Republic of, participation, 259
- Documents:
- French participation, 179–180, 259, 264, 335
- Indonesian participation, 117–118, 238
- Japanese participation, 179, 259–260, 335
- Korean participation, 159, 179, 335
- Meetings, 98–100, 165–166, 173, 434, 923
- Military machinery, 174–178, 194–201, 337–339
- Netherlands participation, 335
- New Zealand:
- Philippine participation, 117–118, 142, 159–160, 179, 205, 221, 238, 259–260, 328, 335
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 763–766
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 763–766, 779
- Staff Planners, 242–256, 315–316, 319–328, 337–339
- U.S. support for, 773
- ANZUS Military
Representatives, 221, 223–224, 767
- Australian position, 76–77, 80, 99–100, 161–162, 175, 198
- Five-Power Staff Liaison Agency, possible replacement of, 317
- Liaison staff organization, 77, 81–85, 87, 99, 195–197, 223, 329
- Meetings, 166–167, 175, 200–201, 204, 215n, 222–225, 337, 951
- New Zealand position, 76–77, 80, 99–100, 161–162, 175
- U.S. position, 75, 77, 80–87
- ANZUS Minute, 545, 573, 595, 596
- ANZUS Pact, San Francisco, Sept. 1, 1951, 2, 75, 76, 601, 711, 878
- Asia (see also Far East):
- Asian Development Corporation, proposal for, 811, 816–818
- Asian economic program (see also
Colombo Plan), 726,
741, 773, 780–782, 790, 800–802, 808–820, 947, 977, 991, 1007, 1020, 1075, 1077–1078
- Australian position, 827–828
- British position, 1072–1074
- China, Republic of, participation, 948
- French participation, 948
- Indian participation, 812, 814
- Indonesian participation, 812, 814
- Japanese participation, 812, 814–815, 818–819
- Korea, Republic of, participation, 948
- Netherlands participation, 948
- Pakistani participation, 812, 814
- U.S. ad hoc committee, 927–932, 1043
- U.S. support, 699, 963, 810–814
- Asian Economic Working Group, 808–820, 959
- Associated States (see also
Cambodia; Indochina; Laos; Vietnam; and
Vietnam, Republic of), 48, 49, 128, 364, 476
- Ceasefire agreements, 646
- Colombo Plan, 307
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 462, 466, 494, 508–509
- Independence for, 187, 369, 403–406, 407n, 409–411, 421, 423, 429, 448, 499, 732
- Military forces, deficiencies of, 414
- Pau accords, 109
- Philippine relations with, 53, 404, 475, 708, 1034
- Political situation, 440–441
- Recognition of, 212
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 639, 778–779, 1001–1002, 1014–1018, 1025–1026
- U.S. military assistance, 130, 246, 372, 774–775
- Atomic weapons, 9–10, 90, 154, 194, 237, 342, 446, 450, 458, 465, 512–513, 524, 558, 562, 700, 774, 876, 954
- Auriol, Vincent, 109n
- Austin, Rear Adm. Bernard L., 209
- Australia (see also ANZUS, ANZAM, and
five-power headings and subheadings):
- ANZAM, role in, 163, 176, 213–214, 225
- ANZUS, position on, 175, 260, 338, 347–348, 596, 611
- ANZUS Council, British participation in, 226–229, 233, 257, 330, 332, 401
- ANZUS Military Representatives, 76–77, 80, 99–100, 161–162, 175, 198
- Asian economic program, 331, 827–828
- British role in defense of, 214
- Cambodia, economic assistance to, 940
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 540–544, 553
- Chinese Nationalist forces, value of, 232
- Coal deposits in, 396
- Colombo Plan, participation in, 307, 585, 782, 949
- Colonial powers, support for, 189, 598, 905
- General elections, 434, 445
- Hong Kong, military support for, 236
- Indochina, settlement in, 596
- Japan, security treaty with, 52
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, request for direct representation with, 196–198, 202, 914
- Joint Service Missions, 167
- Laos, economic assistance to, 940
- Liaison staff organization for Southeast Asia, 77, 81–85, 87, 99, 163, 176, 195–197, 272, 329
- Malaya, role in defense of, 213, 943, 972
- Manus Island, U.S. request for base on, 203
- Middle East, role, in defense of, 1–3, 77, 93, 101, 164, 176, 213, 357, 660
- Military standardization, 348
- Netherlands New Guinea, colonialism in, 193–194, 598, 941
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, involvement in, 82, 93, 118–119, 158, 164, 170, 180–181, 194–195, 200, 202
- Pacific defense planning, involvement in, 81–82, 84
- Parliamentary role in declaration of war, 535
- Radio Australia, 203
- Singapore, proposed stationing of troops in, 357
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 591, 613, 653, 667, 776–777, 849–851, 971–972
- Southeast Asian non-aggression pact, 586–587
- SEATO Council, 613, 653, 667, 987
- Tonkin, military support in, 236
- Tripartite Intelligence Conference on Southeast Asia, 155, 167n
- United Kingdom, relations with, 106, 228–229, 233
- U.S. military assistance, 93, 288
- Vietnam, Republic of, economic assistance to, 940
- Australia-New Zealand-Malaya defense area. See ANZAM.
- Australia-New Zealand-United States defense organization. See ANZUS.
- Australian Defense Committee, 336, 356
- Baldwin, Charles F., 312–313, 652n, 669, 733–734, 741, 781, 800–802, 808–820, 827–828, 947, 959–960
- Ballance, Commodore F. A., 100
- Bao Dai, 109n, 192, 395, 475, 536
- Barkley, Alben, 72
- Barrington, James, 406n, 423, 470–473, 568
- Battle Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951.
- Battle, Lucius D., 91–92, 112–114
- Belcher, R. H., 221n
- Bell, James D., 404, 474–475, 495, 520n, 647n, 985–986, 1032–1035, 1044–1048
- Beria, Lavrentiy Ivanovitch, 1003
- Berlin Conference, 387, 533
- Bermuda Conference, Dec. 4–7, 1953, 319n, 522, 527
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 820n
- Berry, Lampton, 949–950
- Bidault, Georges, 388, 444, 448, 584
- Bissell, Richard, 995, 1034
- Blakeney, F. J., 400–401, 436, 827–828, 934–935, 1030–1031, 1039, 1047–1048
- Blancké, W. Wendell, 469
- Boggs, Marion W., 724–733
- Bohlen, Charles E., 29–34, 35, 57–61, 65–67, 89, 110n, 112n, 115, 151–153
- Bonbright, James C. H., Jr., 434–437, 476, 477n, 502–504
- Bonnet, Henri, 189, 578, 778n
- Bonsai, Philip W., 115–156, 206–208, 211n, 215n, 267–274, 277, 278n, 283–284, 405–406, 778n
- Borneo, 106, 162n, 163, 307
- Bowie, Robert, 458n, 536, 740n, 780–781, 783–784, 801, 808, 967, 1078–1079
- Bradley, Maj. Gen. J. Sladen, 230n
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 4–8, 94, 113
- ANZUS Council, 209, 314–316
- ANZUS Pact, 80–85, 165n
- Communist aggression in Southeast Asia, 88–89, 91–92, 120, 122n, 148, 150–156
- Five-power military talks, 184–186, 234, 239, 271, 273–274, 276–277
- Tripartite military conversations, 8–22
- U.S. armed forces, effectiveness of in event of war with China, 25, 36, 39
- Bricker, John W., 798n
- Bricker Amendment, 798
- Bridges, Styles, 465
- British Commonwealth. See Commonwealth, British.
- British Defense Coordinating Committee, 356
- British North Borneo, 248, 264, 303
- British Services Mission, 50
- Brown, Aaron S., 156–157, 228n
- Brownell, Herbert, 907
- Bruce, David K. E., 91, 93–94, 106, 123–124, 210–211, 258
- Brunei, 248, 303
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 930, 932
- Bullitt, William C., 25
- Burd, Laurence H., 492–493
- Burke, Rear Adm. Arleigh, 209
- Burma:
- Anti-Communist groups, U.S. support of in, 50, 132–133, 375
- Associated States, nonrecognition of, 212
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 64, 189, 193, 212, 471
- Chinese Nationalist guerrillas in, 246, 249, 375
- Colombo Plan, participation in, 307, 782, 949
- Communist aggression, threat of, 73–74, 231, 246, 249, 253–255, 305, 376, 472, 516–517, 676
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 470
- General consultative Pacific body, inclusion in, 205
- Independence of, 472–473
- India, relations with, 50, 64, 568
- Internal security, 369, 561
- Japanese reparations payments, 907
- Karens, battles with the, 246
- Military situation, 246, 471, 655
- Non-aggression pact, possible signatory of, 587, 591, 597
- Political situation, 246
- Rice exports, 27, 47, 127, 245, 368
- Southeast Asia, united action in, 406n, 423
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 470–473, 487, 568–569, 573, 583, 584
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 470–473, 487, 568–569, 573, 583–584, 597, 606–607, 612n, 626, 628, 630, 654, 661, 664, 668, 672, 675–676, 683, 685, 761
- U.S. courses of action in, 49–50, 132–133, 375–376, 379, 476, 663
- U.S. economic assistance, 50, 132–133, 291, 375, 505, 774–775
- U.S. military assistance, 291, 375, 560–561
- Butler, Richard A., 449, 947
- Byroade, Henry A., 808n, 965–966
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 152, 155
- Caccia, Harold, 486–487n, 576–577, 580
- Cambodia, 248, 945
- Australian economic assistance, 940
- Canadian economic assistance, 585
- Colombo Plan, participation in, 949
- Foreign Operations Administration survey of, 945
- Geneva Conference agreement re military alliances, 1015–1017
- Independence for, 472–473, 732
- Manila Conference, 788, 804, 822, 834, 848
- Neutralization of, 577, 688
- Partition of, 539
- Philippine recognition, 708
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 573, 607, 668, 674, 684, 736, 769
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization protection of, 573, 608, 610, 618, 669, 684, 695, 728, 731–732, 735–737, 742, 769, 785, 788, 791, 802–803, 844, 888, 903, 992, 1015
- Technical assistance for, 585
- Thailand, relations with, 647
- United Nations, appeal to, 422, 574, 578
- U.S. military bases in, 578, 594
- Campbell, Air Marshal, 16
- Campbell, Peter, 283–284
- Canada, 16, 197–198, 283–284, 307, 331, 488, 493, 501, 585, 611, 667, 782, 949
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 80, 518, 524–525, 951
- Cams, Col. Edwin H. J., 8
- Casey, Richard G., 170–171, 173–176, 178–180, 226, 227n, 228,
229, 479, 485n
- ANZUS Council, 188–193, 194–201, 203, 214, 341, 347–350, 437, 589–599, 923, 924, 939–943, 946
- ANZUS Pact, 328–329, 442, 921–922
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 484, 487
- Manila Conference, 853, 856–859, 863–869, 872–873, 880–882, 885–888, 894–895, 914, 921–922
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 564, 584–587, 821, 852, 898–899, 908
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 620–621, 675, 915–917, 918–919, 964
- Cawthorn, Maj. Gen., 704n
- Central Intelligence Agency, 359, 383, 456–457, 458, 916, 952
- Ceylon, 245, 307,
- British military bases in, 1018
- China, People’s Republic of, trade with, 1018
- Colombo Plan, participation in, 782, 949
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454
- Manila Conference, participation in, 902n, 1018
- Southeast Asia, effect of loss of, 245
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 437
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 437, 607, 628, 630, 672, 677–679, 682–683, 685, 704, 707, 901–902, 1018–1019
- U.S. consultation with, 489
- Chamberlain, Neville, 526
- Chauvel, Jean, 839
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 16, 354, 511–512, 551–552, 905, 931
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Afro-Asian states, influence with, 1084–1085
- Aggression by:
- Air attacks against, 4, 7, 9, 32, 37, 42–43, 62, 88–89, 112, 136, 147, 230–231, 235, 253, 267, 305, 320, 321, 323, 326, 374, 561–562
- Airfields in, 249, 541
- Attlee mission to, 749
- Burma, relations with, 9, 189, 212, 231, 246, 249, 471–472
- Ceylon, trade with, 1018
- Chinese Nationalist offshore islands, 752, 754, 757, 770, 905–906
- Coal exports, 396
- East-West trade, 1059–1060, 1071–1072
- Formosa, threat toward, 249, 955
- Geneva Conference, 567
- Guerrillas in, Allied support of, 322–324, 327
- Hong Kong, strategic location of, 60, 62, 136, 191–192, 230, 249, 251
- Indochina, courses of action in, 544, 546, 563
- Indochina peace proposals, position on, 478
- International volunteer air group, 457–458
- Japan, relations with, 297, 931, 1009
- Liaotung Peninsula, 955
- Macao, threat to, 231
- Military effectiveness, 261, 414
- Naval blockade of, 4, 7, 9, 37, 42–43, 60, 62–64, 88–89, 97, 111, 116, 121, 129, 131, 136, 144, 147, 149–151, 153, 186, 230–231, 235–236, 251–253, 267, 305, 321–324, 326, 373–374, 561
- Non-aggression pact, possible signatory of, 587
- Overseas communities, 1034
- Philippines, threat to, 250
- Psychological warfare against, 305, 322, 324, 326–327
- Soviet Union, relations with, 33, 289–294, 311, 562–563, 702–703, 722–723, 750–752, 757, 772, 954, 975, 978
- Stability of, 297–298, 961
- Tibet, seizure of, 749
- Trade embargo. See U.S. embargo below.
- Tripartite declaration on agression by, 11–14
- United Kingdom, severance of trade with, 62
- United Nations, question of membership in, 289, 629, 702–703, 772, 932, 963, 978–979, 1007, 1010
- U.S. courses of action toward, 51, 297, 374, 512, 530–531, 533–535, 536, 558, 701–703, 731, 747, 772
- U.S. declaration of war with, possible, 529–530, 589, 700, 727, 732
- U.S. embargo on trade with, 702–703, 731, 772, 967, 969–970, 978–982, 994, 998–999, 1008, 1010, 1037–1038, 1051, 1054, 1069–1072
- U.S. flyers captured by, 969, 1058
- U.S. plans for destabilization of, 62–64, 289, 305, 1003–1004
- U.S. relations with, 701–703, 963, 1010, 1078–1079
- Viet Minh, assistance to, 246, 369–370, 546, 563
- China, Republic of (see also Chinese
Nationalist headings and subheadings):
- Asian economic pact, exclusion from, 948
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 493
- Indochina, U.S. military involvement in, 511, 522
- Military action against Communists, possible, 5, 15–16, 394, 905–906, 968
- Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, Dec. 2, 1954, 478, 485, 512, 552, 931, 962, 975–976, 1005–1010, 1036, 1040, 1058
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 478
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 357, 425, 429–430, 432, 607, 611, 614, 625, 643, 649, 661, 709, 738
- Tripartite security pacts, position on, 511
- Troops:
- United Nations, membership in, 289, 963, 977
- U.S. military assistance, 58n, 68, 290, 292, 671, 774–775, 976
- U.S. relations with, 478, 905–906, 968, 977
- Western Pacific pact, proposed participation in, 912, 976
- China Aid Fund of 1949, 506
- Chinese Nationalist offshore islands:
- Chou En-lai, 452, 577, 584, 677, 715, 826n, 1084
- Christmas Island, 303
- Churchill, Winston, 1, 8, 97, 183, 522
- ANZAM, 256–257
- ANZUS Council, 228–229, 239n, 317–319, 589
- ANZUS Pact, 256–257, 329
- Bermuda Conference, 527
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 431, 450, 569–571
- China, People’s Republic of, British relations with, 749
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 488n
- Geneva Conference, 453
- Indian role in defense of Southeast Asia, 566
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 446, 449, 904, 943
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 617, 622, 631, 657, 669
- Thailand, defense of, 613
- CINCFE. See Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B.; Hull, Gen. John E.
- CINCPAC. See Radford, Arthur W.; Stump, Adm. Felix B.
- CINCUNC. See Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B.; Hull, Gen. John E.
- Civil Air Transport, 387
- Clausner, Cmdr. M. D., 123
- Cochran, H. Merle, 663
- COCOM, 978, 998, 1070–1071
- Cocos Islands, 303
- Collins, Rear Adm. J. A., 99–100, 163, 200, 348
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 10–20, 23–34, 57, 59–67, 81–85, 225, 277, 285, 329n
- Colombo Conference of Asian Prime Ministers, 1019
- Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South
and Southeast Asia, 266, 306–310, 331, 334, 585, 759, 782–785
- Asian economic program, 307–310, 780–784, 789–790, 815, 827, 925–926, 928–929, 1021, 1043, 1074, 1082
- Australian participation, 585
- Bilateral aid through, 308–309
- Burmese participation, 307, 782, 949
- Canadian participation, 585
- Ceylonese participation, 782, 949
- Consultative Committee, 782, 811–812
- French non-participation, 334
- Functions of, 308
- Japanese participation, 309, 781–783, 790, 850, 928, 947–949
- Membership of, 307, 949
- New Zealand participation, 307, 782, 949
- Philippine participation, 928, 947–949
- Thai participation, 928, 947–949
- Colombo Powers, 450, 453–454, 481–484, 488, 493, 498, 501, 504, 567–580, 1052, 1085
- Colonialism, 193–194, 511, 525, 533, 598, 789, 941, 974
- Colquitt, Adrian de Boisfeuillet, 834
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 932, 981, 998, 1007–1009, 1069
- Commonwealth, British, 2, 78, 195, 357, 440
- Commonwealth Consultative Committee, 307
- Commonwealth Foreign Ministers meeting, 782
- Commonwealth Prime Ministers meetings, 318n, 972n
- Community Center Movement, 986, 1025
- Congress, U.S.:
- Consultative Committee on Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia. See Colombo Plan.
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 978, 998, 1070–1071
- Corbett, Jack C., 781–782
- Corea, Claude, 901–902
- Corner, Frank, 318
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 76–77, 166, 175, 199, 222
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy, 1060
- Covert operations, 48–49, 108, 112, 129, 131–133, 251, 371, 374, 399, 670, 699, 773, 952, 963, 978
- Cowen, Myron Melvin, 75n, 80–84, 86
- Cowles, John, 752
- Critchley, T. K., 441
- Crowe, Philip K., 682, 704n, 707, 901–902, 1018n
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 658–659, 678
- Cutler, Robert, 514n,
526n, 552, 947n, 955n
- China, People’s Republic of, potential for U.S. declaration of war with, 529–531, 532–535
- Five-power military talks, 454, 461, 521–526
- Geneva Conference, 453
- International volunteer air group, 456–457
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 446–450, 490–492, 497–499, 903, 905
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 651, 671
- Thailand, U.S. military operations in, 398, 731
- U.S. economic and military planning, 299–300, 958
- U.S. objectives and courses of action with respect to Southeast Asia, 362–365, 382–383, 386
- U.S. policy toward the Far East, 724–731, 744–756, 927–930, 1003–1014, 1057–1060
- Daly, T. J., 319–328
- Daridan, Jean, 826, 838
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 23, 35–40, 187n, 319, 355n, 439n, 451, 464–465, 507n, 600, 602, 654, 657, 739n, 788, 846n, 913–914, 951
- Day, Henry B., 430–431, 662, 718
- De Lattre de Tassigny, General of the Army Jean, 11, 18, 27, 63–64, 382
- De Palma, Samuel, 573n
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 36, 54–55, 505–506, 916, 932
- Defense Mobilization, Office of, 348, 929, 932
- Delgado, Francisco A., 854, 858, 872, 891, 893, 897n, 898
- Denmark, 667
- Desai, C.C., 704n
- Devakul, M. R. Thuaithep, 468–469, 519–520
- Dien Bien Phu (see also Indochina; Vietnam), 384, 448, 469, 556, 756
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 433, 526
- Dodds-Parker, 902
- Dodge, Joseph M., 299, 1040, 1061
- “Domino theory”, exposition of, 46–47, 127–128, 245, 248–250, 367–368, 514
- Donovan, William J., 398, 409, 486
- Draper, Morris, 564–565, 609n
- Drew, Walter H., 648–649
- Drumright, Everett F., 425–426, 431n, 473, 478n, 495, 505–506, 564, 613n, 647n, 662, 686, 707n, 708, 711n, 1078
- DuBois, Coert, 663
- Dulles, Allen, 302, 364, 383, 399, 457, 485, 536, 666, 670, 726, 728–729, 929, 1003, 1057, 1060
- Dulles, John Foster, 76, 339–340, 400, 484, 554n
- Afro-Asian Conference, 1084–1085
- ANZUS Council, 258–260, 279–280, 341–342, 344–345, 347, 350, 401, 435, 540–544, 546–547, 589–599, 923, 939, 943, 945–946
- ANZUS military representations, 951
- ANZUS Pact, 439–442, 921, 922
- Asian development plan, 332
- Asian economic program, 800–802, 1019, 1072
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 431, 437–438, 443–444, 502–504, 526, 571
- Burmese role in defense of Southeast Asia, 424
- Ceylon, 411, 489, 1019n
- China, People’s Republic of, potential for U.S. declaration of war with, 529–530, 533–535, 537
- China, Republic of, U.S. relations with, 905–906
- Chinese aggression, possible, 378, 553, 1022
- Colombo Conference of Asian Prime Ministers, 410
- Colombo Plan, 780–781, 925–926
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 254–256, 277–278, 461–464, 466–468, 476–477, 479–480, 484–485, 487–488, 493–494, 500–502, 508–509, 510n, 512–513, 518, 521–522, 525
- Five-Power Staff Talks, 547–549, 599
- French role in defense of Southeast Asia, 302, 552
- Geneva Conference, 452–453
- India:
- Indochina, 440, 524–525
- International volunteer air group, 457
- Japan, U.S. relations with, 906–907
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. military assistance, 406–407, 525
- Korean armistice, 281–283, 301, 377
- Manila Conference, 822–823, 855, 858, 862, 865–867, 869, 874–875, 877–880, 882, 885–890, 894–895
- Mutual Security Act of 1954, 650–651
- Mutual Security Program, 506
- Netherlands role in defense of Southeast Asia, 433
- Northeast Asia defense pact, 694, 711–712
- Pakistan, U.S. relations with, 965, 1055–1056
- Philippines:
- Regional economic organization, 947–948
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 405–406, 446, 450, 497–499, 538, 564, 574, 576–579, 581–588, 601–602, 645–666, 737, 739, 787–789, 793, 796, 820, 823, 835, 849–851, 898, 902n, 936n, 944, 952, 970–971, 990, 995, 999, 1001–1002, 1051–1053, 1077
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 425–428, 430–431, 614–616, 621, 627–629, 632, 643, 647–648, 651–653, 667–669, 671–675, 680–682, 685–686, 707n, 735–737, 740, 915–920, 938n, 964–965, 1025–1026, 1040
- Thai role in defense of Southeast Asia, 402–403, 409, 422, 468–469, 523, 553, 612, 731
- U.S. economic assistance programs, 299, 302, 783, 789–790, 958, 960
- U.S. military assistance programs, 299, 302, 958
- U.S. policy toward the Far East, 362, 364–365, 388, 413n, 725–731, 745, 747, 749, 751–753, 755, 928, 930–932, 1057–1060, 1078
- U.S.-U.K. Joint Study Group, 642
- Van Fleet Mission, 953
- Vietnam, 470, 539, 667, 730
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 150–156
- Dunn, James Clement, 141n
- Dutch New Guinea. See Netherlands New Guinea.
- East Bengal. See Pakistan, East.
- East-West trade, 1008–1014, 1069–1071
- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), 307, 309, 331, 759, 949
- Eden, Anthony, 29, 36–37, 97,
117–118, 377
- ANZAM, 256
- ANZUS Council, 158, 171, 179, 203, 213–214, 220–221, 233, 237, 238, 263, 279–280
- ANZUS Pact, 256, 441–442
- Bermuda Conference, 527
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 431, 437, 443–444, 445, 450–451, 526, 570–572
- China, People’s Republic of, naval blockade of, 153
- Five-power military talks, 269–271, 457–458, 466, 479, 481, 483, 485–488, 489n, 494, 500, 507–508, 510, 597
- Geneva Conference, 452–453
- Indian role in defense of Southeast Asia, 566
- Manila Conference, 822n, 823n, 986, 988–990
- Pacific Council, 106
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 446–449, 564n, 574–580, 583, 586–587, 643n, 644, 791, 798, 804, 806, 820, 905
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 426, 622, 645, 647–648, 654n, 668, 673, 682–685, 706n, 707, 712–713, 826n, 917, 964n
- Thailand, defense of, 613
- Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting, 102–104, 138–141
- U.S. policy toward the Far East, 59, 92, 150, 1058
- U.S.-U.K. Foreign Ministers meeting, 135, 137, 142
- U.S.-U.K. Joint Study Group, 642
- Egypt, 9, 94, 570
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 318, 390, 919
- ANZAM, 256
- ANZUS Council, 263, 336, 340, 542, 589
- ANZUS Pact, 256
- Asian development plan, 332
- Asian economic program, 801
- Atomic weapons, 458, 524
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 431, 525, 569, 571
- China, People’s Republic of, U.S. declaration of war with, 529–530, 532–535, 537
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 456, 462, 463, 489n, 512–513, 521, 524–525
- France, U.S. assistance to, 384
- Geneva Conference, 453
- Indochina, 384
- International volunteer air group, 456–457
- Japan, industrialization of, 396
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. support for, 406
- Korean armistice, 282–283
- Mutual Security Program, 506
- Northeast Asia defense pact, 711
- Philippine declaration of principles, 777n
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 446–450, 492–493, 498, 669, 904–905
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 631, 652, 670, 735
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance to, 523, 731
- U.S. economic and military assistance programs, 299–300, 790, 1040n
- U.S. policy toward Southeast Asia, 363–365, 367, 383, 388, 399, 413n, 527–528, 544–545, 726–731, 745–756, 1003–1012, 1057–1061, 1063
- Van Fleet Mission, 955n
- Vietnam, 553, 730
- Elections, Communist victories in, 593–594
- Elliot, Gen. William, 17, 19, 21, 23, 40, 230n, 271
- Ely, Gen. Paul E., 21, 23, 40, 230n, 271, 498, 945n
- Emmerson, John K., 483
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 387
- European Defense Community, 105, 820n
- Evatt, Herbert, 434
- Exchange of persons programs, 700, 726
- Export-Import Bank, 392, 1022, 1027, 1028
- Far East (see also
Asia; Asian economic
- Bilateral military treaties, U.S. support for, 417
- Collective security part, proposal for, 354–355
- Commonwealth defense of, 340, 357
- Communist military strength in, 414
- Exclusion of Asians from defense arrangements, 260–263
- Integration of Allied forces in, 954
- Mutual Security Program, 505–506
- Non-Communist military strength in, 396, 413
- Shipping, discussions on, 21
- Soviet aims, 287
- U.S. economic assistance, 290, 299–301, 389–397, 774–775, 927, 945, 956
- U.S. military assistance, 290, 299–301, 505, 925, 956
- U.S. objectives in, 287–289, 412–421, 954–955, 957–958, 962, 972, 974–975, 980–981, 1002–1014, 1036–1038, 1057–1061
- Far East Regional Conference of the Foreign Operations Administration, Manila, Feb. 23, 1954, 389
- Far Eastern Commission, 205
- Faure, Edgar, 945n
- Fechteler, Adm. William M., 20, 23–24, 58, 60, 63–65, 67, 73, 81–84, 89, 276–277
- Ferguson, Homer, 465
- Fiji, 106, 163, 213
- Findlay, Air Commodore J. L., 40, 230n
- Finn, Richard B., 649n
- Fisher, William Dale, 484n, 501n, 573–574
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 800
- Five-Power Ad Hoc Committee on Southeast Asia, Washington, Feb. 1952, 15–22, 36–44, 103–105, 138–141, 143–144, 167–169, 177, 186–189, 234–236
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conferences on Southeast
- Proposed, 565, 575, 578–579, 582, 597, 599
- Oct. 1952, Washington, 184–186, 209–211, 215, 228, 230, 234–237, 239–242, 276, 277, 281
- Apr. 6–10, 1953, Pearl Harbor, 276–277, 282–285, 303–306, 313–314, 316, 319–328
- June 3–11, 1954, Washington, 450–451, 453–457, 459–470, 476, 477n, 479, 481–484, 486–489, 493–495, 498, 500–504, 507–510, 518–526, 531, 548–550, 555–563, 631
- Five-Power Staff Agency, 271–272, 304, 316–317, 356, 441–442, 462, 825, 849–850, 914, 922, 941
- Flemming, Arthur S., 726, 729–731, 748–750, 1011
- Fluker, J. Robert, 1019n
- “Flying Tiger” operation, 383
- Foreign investment, U.S. position on, 390–391
- Foreign Legion, 569
- Foreign Operations Administration, 389–397, 505, 775–776, 800–802, 932, 945, 955n, 980, 1028, 1042, 1071–1072
- Formosa (see also China, Republic of):
- Foster, Andrew B., 82–85, 159–160, 161–164, 173, 208–210, 340n, 716
- Foster, H. Schuyler, 316–317
- Foster, William C., 86, 91, 98n, 110n, 116, 123–125, 157n, 165n, 222
- France:
- ANZUS Council, 179–180, 259, 264, 335
- Asian economic pact, 948
- Associated States, independence for, 403–406, 407n, 448, 732
- China, People’s Republic of, intervention in, 13–14, 37, 542–543
- China, Republic of, U.S. defense pact with, 511
- Colombo Plan, 334
- Contraband arms traffic, 78
- Economic assistance for Asia, 331
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 282
- Geneva Conference, 403–404, 536, 578
- Indochina (see also French subheadings
- Allied military assistance to, 42, 103–104, 109, 126, 129, 236, 369, 372, 383–384, 387
- Allied objectives in, 59–63, 65–66, 71–72, 108–109, 111, 131, 189–191, 241, 251, 438, 466
- Peace proposals, 478
- U.S. military intervention in, 73, 126, 476, 486, 498–499, 589
- Weakness of rule in, 70–71, 192, 287, 368–369, 440–441, 448
- Korean armistice, 377
- Laos, military presence in, 670
- Liaison staff organization for Southeast Asia, 268, 270
- Pacific Council, 142
- Planning agency for defense of Southeast Asia, 236
- Shipping in the Far East, 21
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 864–865, 875, 883, 885–888, 898, 970, 989, 999
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 59–61, 152, 607, 613, 615, 667, 695, 706, 778–780, 897, 1050, 1052
- Tonkin, military position in, 42, 526, 536, 553, 577–578, 590–591, 594–595
- Tripartite Declaration of Intent re Southeast Asia, 215
- United Kingdom, relations with, 313
- U.S. economic assistance, 109, 126, 129
- U.S. military assistance, 246, 289
- Viet Minh, relations with, 917
- Vietnam, agreement with, Mar. 8, 1949, 109
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 919
- Franks, Oliver S., 106, 112–115, 117, 158, 213n
- Freedman, Selma G., 991–992
- French Expeditionary Corps, 957
- French-Laotian Treaty of Friendship, 475
- French Union, 405, 440, 558
- Galbraith, Francis J., 480
- Galloway, William J., 672n, 683n, 712–713, 795–799, 846n, 938, 982n, 986–990, 999–1001, 1025–1026, 1045, 1049
- Gamboa, Melquiades, 495, 520n, 548
- Garcia, Carlos P., 821, 852–859, 862–896, 898, 964
- GARIOA (Government and Relief in Occupied Areas). See under Japan.
- Gay, Merrill, 309, 331n, 333–334
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 1947, 759, 1082
- Geneva Conference, July 1954, 400, 447, 566, 574, 589, 598, 619, 626, 969
- Agreements on the cessation of hostilities in Indochina, 646, 1015–1017
- Anti-Communist nations, pre-conference meetings of, 426, 439–442, 444, 459, 466
- British position, 570–572, 580
- Communist prestige at, 502, 580, 599, 698, 771
- Final Declaration, 1016
- French position, 450, 578
- Laos, agreement re military alliances, 1016–1017
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 648, 868, 870–871
- Thai role in, 403, 543
- Troop transfers under, 778
- U.S. position, 398, 580
- Gentry, Maj. G. W. G., 195–196, 210, 222, 337–339, 345–348, 501
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 594
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 105, 925
- Gibson, William M., 54n, 115n, 214–216
- Gifford, Walter S., 143–144
- Gilbert, Col. H. E., 242–256, 303–306, 319–328
- Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 213
- Gilman, Robbins P., 1n, 573n
- Gleason, S. Everett, 298–300, 361–365, 381–385, 393–399, 452–459, 461–463, 479, 496–499, 532–537, 550–554, 603n, 744–758, 927–932, 955n, 1002–1014, 1035–1036, 1056–1061
- Gleysteen, William H., 990n, 999n, 1028–1031, 1038–1039, 1075–1078
- Global war, 196, 244, 302, 431, 558–559, 561, 746
- Goa, 715, 966
- Godel, William H., 995
- Goodman, Herbert I., 736, 737n, 769
- Goodyear, John, 951
- Gorrie, Jack, 74
- Government and Relief in Occupied Areas. See under Japan.
- Granby, Helene, 392
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greater Sanctions Statement, July 27, 1953, 413n, 542
- Greece, 33, 438n, 447, 448
- Greenland, 667
- Grotius, Hugo, 919
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 384, 553
- Guatemala, 181, 585, 593
- Gullion, Edmund A., 615n
- Gunewardene, R. S. S., 410, 489
- Hainan Island, 253–254, 255, 301, 305, 522, 527, 541, 955
- Halaby, Najib E., 303–306, 313n, 343n
- Hancock, Air Vice Marshal V. E., 303–306
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 789n
- Harcourt, 1073
- Harding, Field Marshal John, 269, 351–352, 353n, 507, 548, 660, 971
- Harriman, W. Averell, 74
- Harvey, Oliver, 97
- Hearne, Col. Julian G., 351–352
- Heath, Donald R., 826
- Hedding, Rear Adm. T. J., 303–306
- Heeney, Arnold D. P., 436, 568–569
- Hemmendinger, Noel, 306–310
- Higgs, L. Randolph, 952–953, 983–984
- Hilaly, Agha, 704n, 758, 832
- Hildreth, Horace A., 673, 704–705, 707n, 761n, 1055
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 551
- Hitler, Adolf, 1003
- Ho Chi Minh, 373, 403–404, 714, 746
- Holland, Sidney G., 2, 142, 233n, 256–257, 263, 280, 317–318, 351–352, 784
- Holmes, Julius C., 318
- Hong Kong, 67
- ANZUS planning for, 264
- British position in, 37, 97, 191, 235–236, 247, 374, 525
- China, People’s Republic of, naval blockade, effect of, 136, 230, 236
- Chinese threat to, 60, 62, 69, 192, 245, 249, 251
- Defense of, 15, 18, 30, 230–231, 236, 253–256, 305, 320–322, 325–326, 356
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 607, 611, 614–615, 643, 788
- Strategic importance of 247, 249
- U.S. assistance in event of British evacuation, 42, 112, 132, 278, 289, 356
- U.S. military assistance, 289, 340
- Hoopes, Townsend W., 110n, 120
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 959–960, 982, 1020, 1040, 1072n
- Hopkins, William J., 160
- Hopkinson, Henry, 239
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 661–662, 934–936, 951, 953
- Huang Hua, 478
- Hughes, Rowland R., 650n, 725, 930
- Hull, Gen. John E., 153, 523, 907
- Humphrey, George M., 364, 386, 396, 534, 928, 930, 1057–1058
- Iguchi, Sadao, 426, 649, 711n
- Ikeda, Hiyato, 906
- India:
- Asian economic program, 812, 814
- Burma, relations with, 50, 64, 568
- Colombo Plan, 307, 782, 949
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454
- Indochina Cease-Fire Commission, 679
- Indochina peace proposal, 567
- Non-aggression pact, 587, 591–592
- Philippines, relations with the, 568
- Southeast Asia, effect of loss of, 245
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 437–438, 453, 487, 566–568, 619, 966
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 602, 607, 612n, 619, 649, 654, 664, 667, 672, 713–715
- Thailand, relations with, 568
- U.S. economic assistance, 1022, 1043
- U.S. relations with, 965–966
- Indochina (see also
Associated States; Tonkin; Vietnam; and
Indochina subheadings under other subjects):
- Allied military talks re, 59–63, 66, 135, 191
- Allied warning against Chinese intervention in, 102, 108–109, 113, 114–115
- Armistice in, 477, 589–590, 596, 650–651, 778
- British role in, 59–63, 66, 116, 121, 135, 443, 450, 453–456, 570
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 29–30, 42–44, 248, 252–256, 373–375, 546, 563
- China, Republic of:
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- French control of, Allied support for, 59–60, 65–66, 70–72, 108–109, 111, 131, 189–192, 241, 287, 368–369, 438–441, 448
- French evacuation of, 18, 23–24, 28, 90, 112, 132, 136, 254, 278, 382, 537, 620n, 778
- French military capabilities, 23–24, 65, 116, 121, 370, 383–384, 388, 394–395
- French withdrawal from, 18, 111, 131, 387, 443–444, 526, 593
- Independence for, 471–473
- Indian six-point proposal, 567
- Indigenous forces, development of, 48, 95–97, 110, 130, 187, 250
- Internationalization of conflict in, 476, 498, 514, 552, 557, 589
- Korean armistice, effect on, 281–283
- Korean troops used in, 525
- Laniel-Navarre Plan, 359, 367, 369, 370, 382, 384, 385, 387
- Military strategies in, 26–27, 30, 42–44, 92, 113, 135, 147, 192, 245, 252–256, 320–322, 325, 384, 394–395, 457, 546, 559
- Partition of, 524, 536
- Psychological warfare, 383
- Rice exports, 27, 245, 368
- SEATO Foreign Ministers meeting re, 988–990
- Strategic lines of defense in, 248, 557–562, 577
- Truce supervisory commission, Pakistani position on, 483
- U.N. actions re, 49, 131, 374, 487, 564, 592
- U.S. courses of action in, 48, 57, 67, 68n, 88, 90, 92, 94–95, 97, 108–112, 129–132, 192, 373–375, 379, 381
- U.S. economic assistance to, 109–110, 126, 129, 291, 442
- U.S. military assistance to, 42, 56, 59–60, 65–66, 71–72, 90, 95, 103–104, 108–110, 126, 129, 135, 192, 234, 241, 291, 442, 505
- U.S. military involvement in, 26, 73, 88, 90–91, 103, 111–113, 120–121, 126, 132, 476, 486, 498–499, 502, 526, 589
- U.S. private investment in, 391
- Viet Minh victory, possibility of, 424
- Indochina Cease-fire Commission, 679
- Indonesia, 162n
- ANZUS, 117–118, 142, 238
- Asian economic program, 812, 814
- Colombo Plan, 307, 949
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- Economic situation, 396
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454
- General consultative Pacific body, 206
- Independence of, 261, 471, 663
- Indochina, Communist threat to, 405–406, 424
- Internal security of, 27, 207–208, 396, 659, 1060
- Mutual security treaty, 53
- Netherlands New Guinea, claims of sovereignty over, 942
- Neutrality of, 193, 653n, 654n, 659, 661
- New Zealand technical assistance to, 942
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 430, 433, 479, 584
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 479, 584, 598, 607, 628, 630, 653, 654n, 658–659, 661, 664, 668, 672, 678
- Strategic importance of, 248, 996, 1005–1006
- Strategic materials, 47, 127, 248, 368
- U.S. economic assistance, 291, 392–393
- U.S. military assistance, 51, 134, 291, 561, 774, 1058–1059
- U.S. relations with, 663, 671
- Industrial development banks, 389, 390, 391
- Inpeng, Suryadhay, 802
- Inter-American Defense Board, 80
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty of 1954), 601, 630, 667
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 307, 331, 333, 759, 780, 817, 819, 1020, 1027–1028
- International Control Commission, 579–580
- International Finance Corporation, 1028
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 759, 817, 947n
- International volunteer air group, 456, 457, 603–605, 755–756, 770–771
- Iran, 9, 181, 669
- Izvestia, 29
- Jackson, C. D., 363
- Jandrey, Fred W., 169–170
- Japan, 33
- Agricultural commodities, U.S. sales of, 1027
- ANZUS Council, 179, 259–260, 335
- Asia, trade in, 1043
- Asian economic program, 812, 814–815, 818–819
- China, People’s Republic of, trade with, 931, 1009
- Colombo Plan, 309, 781–783, 790, 850, 928, 947–949
- Constitution of, 649n
- Economic situation, 394, 396, 906–907
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 493
- General consultative Pacific body, 205
- Government and Relief in Occupied Areas, 291, 331–332, 334, 819
- Indochina, effect of loss of, 65, 415
- Internal security, 63, 413
- Korea, Republic of, relations with, 426, 912
- Manchuria, reestablishment in, 955
- Military situation, 311, 414, 699, 725, 757, 772–773, 931
- Neutrality, U.S. warnings against, 929
- Pacific defense pact, 212, 426, 912, 962, 976
- Philippines, relations with, 426
- Rearmament of, 297, 415, 417, 418, 551, 649, 907
- Reparation payments, 333, 907, 912
- Rice imports, 906–907
- Security treaty with the United States, Sept. 8, 1951, 52
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 357, 611, 674
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 431–432, 597, 607, 611, 614, 625, 630, 643, 648–649, 661, 709, 738
- United Nations, membership in, 978, 1007
- U.S. economic assistance, 266, 290–291, 551, 699, 773–775, 810, 948, 1011–1012, 1027, 1082
- U.S. military assistance, 14, 288, 302, 774–775
- U.S. relations with, 906–907
- Jarman, Pete, 226–229, 233
- Jernegan, John D., 676–677, 704n, 707n, 740n, 780–781
- Jessup, Philip C., 113, 115, 136, 170, 203–204
- Johnson, H. Parr, 301–302, 331–332
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 944
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 54–55, 159
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- ANZUS, position on, 216–219, 315–316, 329, 338
- China, People’s Republic of, use of atomic weapons against, 512
- East-West trade, 1051, 1072
- Five-power military talks, 239–242, 493–494, 507, 510
- France, military support for, 241
- Indochina, 513–517, 521, 527–528
- International volunteer air group, 603
- Japan, rearmament of, 418
- Liaison staff organization for Southeast Asia, 274, 276–278
- Limited wars, opposition to, 419, 750
- Manila Conference, report on, 913–914
- National Security Council documents, discussion of, 54–69, 71–72, 92, 242, 361, 719–723, 992, 1050–1051
- Philippines-U.S. defense council, 564
- Southeast Asia, U.S. defense role, 6, 418–419, 513–517, 521, 527–528, 657
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, position on, 602, 654–657, 669
- Tripartite Conference on the defense of Southeast Asia, proposed, 145–148
- U.S. military planning, foreign involvement in, 196–198, 202, 209, 218–219, 914
- U.S. role in event of British evacuation of Hong Kong, 356
- Warning to Communists, position on, 38
- Joint Fund Institution for Asian Development, 331, 333–334
- Joint Services Missions, 167
- Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 54, 57, 66
- Joint U.S.-U.K. Study Group. See U.S.-U.K. Joint Study Group.
- Jones, William G., 424–426, 431–432
- Josif, Harold George, 965–966
- Joy, Michael G. L., 618, 648–649, 712, 715, 762n, 986, 1033, 1045
- Judd, Walter H., 451n
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse, 8–22, 23–26, 65
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 991, 992n
- Karmashar, D. P., 309
- Kashmir, 639
- Keightley, Gen. Charles, 314
- Kennedy, Donald D., 713
- Kenney, 123
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 170–171, 214, 740n, 780, 787n
- Knowland, William F., 319n, 354–355, 506, 944, 1040
- Koo, V. K. Wellington, 512
- Korea, 377, 413, 978
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 587
- Korea, Republic of:
- Anti-Communist stance of, 261, 587
- ANZUS Council, 159, 179, 335
- Armed Forces Reconstruction Program, 395
- Asian economic pact, 948
- China, Republic of, defense pact with, 478
- Coal deposits in, 396
- Economic situation, 395–396
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 493
- Geneva Conference, 452
- Greater Sanctions Statement, 413n, 542
- Japan, relations with, 426, 912
- Military situation, 261, 311, 414, 551, 956
- Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, Oct 1, 1953, 829, 878
- Role in defense of Indochina, 407, 525
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 212–213, 357, 424, 611
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 425–426, 432, 597, 611, 614, 625, 630, 643, 649, 661, 709, 738
- U.S. economic assistance, 774–775
- U.S. military assistance, 14, 290, 292–293, 413, 587, 657, 671, 774–775, 975
- U.S. relations with, 212–213, 945–946
- Western Pacific pact, 912, 962, 976
- Korean armistice, 10–14, 25–26, 38, 281–283, 297–298, 301, 342, 377, 541, 931
- Korean Political Conference, Panmunjom, 969
- Korean war, 235, 354
- Kotelawala, John L., 682, 706n, 707n, 902, 1018–1019
- Kra Isthmus, 27, 90, 359, 363, 558, 562
- Kra Peninsula, 571, 950
- Krishnamachari, T. T., 309
- Kubota, 426
- Kurile Islands, 907
- Kyes, Roger M., 382, 387
- La Chambre, Guy, 839, 853, 858–859, 863–864, 867, 870–871, 885, 888, 897, 945n
- La Tournelle, See Le Roy de la Tournelle.
- Lacy, William S. B., 23–30, 33–34, 54n, 85–86, 206, 548n, 777n
- Laking, George, 173, 210, 220–221, 271, 401n, 501, 503, 581, 661–662, 1030, 1047–1048
- Lalor, Rear Adm. William G., 8, 36n
- Lambe, Adm. Charles, 949, 972n
- Landon, Kenneth P., 402–404, 422–423, 468–469, 519–520, 612–613, 645, 718–719
- Laniel, Joseph, 383–384, 448, 584
- Laniel-Navarre Plan, See under Indochina.
- Laos, 248, 472–473, 475, 577, 674, 945
- Australian economic assistance, 940
- Canadian assistance, 585
- Colombo Plan, 949
- France, relations with, 670, 732
- Manila Conference, 788, 804, 822, 826, 848
- Partition of, 539, 578
- Philippine recognition, 708
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization:
- Technical assistance, 585
- Thailand, relations with, 647
- United Nations, appeal to, 574, 578
- U.S. military bases in, 578, 594
- Viet Minh invasion of, 311–312
- Lawrey, L. J., 220–221
- Lay, James, S., Jr., 45–51, 73–74, 107, 122–123, 125–126, 285–286, 360, 366–367, 696–703, 769–771, 903–908, 912n, 972–973, 1062–1063, 1068n
- Le Roy de la Tournelle, Guy, 143
- Lee, Armistead M., 237–239, 328–330
- Lee, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 26, 30
- Lennuyeux, Col. R., 303–306
- Leroy, Jean, 143
- Letourneau, Jean, 95, 103, 105, 114, 136, 138, 140–141, 156, 215, 269n, 281, 283
- Leuterio, 647n, 778n
- Litvinov, Maxim M., 341
- Lloyd, John Selwyn Brooke, 142, 238, 488n
- Locarno Pact, 570–572, 574, 582
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 388, 942, 945
- Loewen, Gen, Charles Edward, 949, 972n
- London Daily Mail, 227n
- Lopez, S. P., 1039, 1076–1077
- Lovett, Robert A., 3–7, 55, 59, 71–74, 90–94, 120, 186, 216–218, 239
- Luns, Joseph M. A. H., 830
- Macao, 231, 247, 255, 303, 607
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 457n, 484n,
485, 489, 493n, 508n
- ANZUS Council, 923, 940, 945
- ANZUS Military representations, 951
- Atomic weapons, 524n
- Burmese role in defense of Southeast Asia, 568–569
- Communist subversion, 1022–1023, 1033–1035, 1044n, 1045n, 1047n
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 500–501, 510n, 554n
- Manila Conference, 661–662, 835–838, 913–914, 990n, 1075–1077
- Manila Pact Foreign Ministers meeting, 986–990, 999–1000, 1051–1053
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 600–602, 645n, 787–788, 791–794, 796–798, 806–808, 843n, 846, 848–852, 909–911, 936n, 951–953, 995–996
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 621–622, 647n, 652–657, 668–670, 680n, 681n, 682–686, 920–923, 938, 982, 1025–1026, 1029–1031, 1039
- U.S-U.K. Joint Study Group, 623–626
- Vietnam, U.S. relations with, 670
- McBride, Robert H., 435, 439–442
- McCardle, Carl W., 823
- McClintock, Robert, 480, 736n, 992
- McClurkin, Robert J. G., 331n, 406–407, 432, 648–649, 911–912, 996n
- McConaughy, Walter P., 673–675, 1079
- McCormack, John W., 451n
- McDiarmid, Orville, 392, 800, 802, 812n
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 215, 455, 753, 971, 972n
- McFall, Jack K., 915–920, 921n
- McIntosh, A. D., 279, 572
- McIntyre, 173, 620
- McNicol, David W., 157n, 271
- McWilliams, William J., 160, 184n, 264n, 340n
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 354, 395, 408, 474–475, 548, 549n, 552, 564, 836, 860, 900, 904, 907–908
- Makins, Roger M., 179, 421n, 426–427, 446, 546–547, 565, 571, 577, 643n, 673–675, 986–987, 990, 995
- Malay Racial Liberation Army, 247
- Malaya:
- ANZUS planning for, 264
- Australian role in defense of, 213, 943, 972
- British control of, 51, 64, 134, 363, 617, 949–950
- Colombo Plan, 949
- Communist invasion of, possible, 27, 32, 163, 254–256, 305, 363, 517
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- Internal security of, 29n, 51, 134, 193, 247, 369, 561, 1035
- New Zealand role in defense of, 213
- Philippine military advisers in, 262
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization protection of, 639
- Strategic importance of, 30, 246
- Strategic materials, 27, 47, 127, 249, 368
- Thailand, effect of possible Communist takeover on, 249, 313
- U.S. economic assistance, 505, 774
- U.S. military assistance, 51, 134, 340, 376, 379–380, 774, 949–950
- Malta, 660
- Manchuria, 89, 91, 523, 955, 1006
- Manglapus, Raul S., 862, 876, 890, 895, 898n
- Manila Conference (see also
Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty), 645, 662, 683n, 695, 706, 712, 763–764, 768, 781, 787–788, 790, 796–797
- Cambodian participation, 788, 804, 834, 848
- Ceylonese participation, 902n, 1018
- Dutch participation, 830
- Joint Chiefs of Staff report, 913–914
- Laotian participation, 788, 804, 822, 848
- National Security Council report, 903–905
- Pakistani participation, 761, 779, 822
- Procedures, 712–713
- Sessions:
- Vietnam, Republic of, participation, 803–805, 822, 830, 848
- Working group, 828–829, 832, 838–839
- Manila Council, See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Council.
- Manila Pact, See Southeast Asia Collective Defense Pact
- Mansfield, Mike, 787n, 808n, 846n, 847, 874, 898
- Mao Tse-tung, 249n
- Margerie, Roland Jaquin de, 897
- Marshall, George C., 726
- Marshall Plan for Asia, 726, 760, 991
- Martin, Edwin W., 967–970, 996n
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 505
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 24–28, 35–36, 433n, 451n, 830n
- Mayer, René, 281–283
- Meek, Paul, 392
- Meeker, Leonard C., 616, 686n
- Mehta, G. L., 566–568
- Melbourne Proposal, 660, 971
- Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 158, 226n
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 578–579, 582, 586, 599, 612, 628, 666, 670, 897, 917, 964n, 970–971, 1052–1053
- Menon, Krishna, 497–498, 567, 675
- Menzies, Robert Gordon, 85, 93–94, 106, 117–118, 142
- Merchant, Livingston T., 421n, 426–427, 538
- ANZUS Council, 435–436, 543, 546–547, 763–766
- Asian economic program, 808n
- Colombo Plan, 780–781
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 463–465, 487
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 572, 586–587, 739n, 758–761, 788, 820–821, 970–971
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 683n, 705–708, 740–744, 766, 778n
- Metcalf, Lee, 411n, 676–677
- Mewshaw, Franklin L., 953–955
- Middle East:
- Middle East Command (MEC), 94, 164
- Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO), 164, 170, 201
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 21, 282, 669–670
- Millet, M. Pierre, 214–216, 270–271, 1050
- Minnich, L. A., Jr., 1040
- Mitchell, L. H., 1045
- Moekarto, Notowidigdo, 424, 433, 479, 480
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 452, 456, 533, 567
- Monckton, Col., 507–508
- Monnet, Jean, 917
- Monroe, James, 879
- Monroe Doctrine, 878, 903
- Moodie, Colin, 86, 220, 221n
- Morland, Oscar Charles, 653n, 678
- Morrison, Herbert, 259n
- Morton, Thruston B., 651n
- Moyer, Raymond T., 955–959
- Munro, Leslie Knox, 86, 98n, 106n, 117
- ANZUS Council, 161, 172n, 176, 179–180, 189–194, 198, 238, 340n, 348–349, 435–436, 540–544, 591–592, 594–599, 715, 765, 921, 941–942, 945–946
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 502–504
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 467, 487
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 581–584, 612n
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 627–631, 709–711, 916, 918–920
- Murphy, Robert D., 471–474, 479, 489, 548n, 600, 767, 831, 995, 1019–1022
- Murray, James, 143, 483
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (Battle Act), 1018
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 56, 86, 323, 506, 775
- Mutual Security Act of 1953, 775
- Mutual Security Act of 1954 (Indochina Funds), 592, 624, 650–651, 814
- Mutual Security Agency Asian Development Plan, 331–332
- Mutual Security Program, 265–266, 505, 571
- Nash, Frank C., 84–85, 115–116, 140, 141n, 150, 209, 238, 282, 284–285, 303–306, 313n
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Fiscal Problems (NAC), 801
- National Defense Committee, 356
- National Intelligence Estimates, See under National security policy of the United States.
- National Security Council, 31, 55, 56, 57, 68–69, 122, 599
- Ad hoc Committee on an Asian Economic Grouping, 959, 1020, 1040
- Documents:
- NSC 48/5, 45, 126, 285–286
- NSC 64, 45, 126
- NSC 68, 60
- NSC 118/2, 311
- NSC 124, 45–51, 54–55, 58, 59, 65–66, 67, 68n, 70–75, 125
- NSC 124, June 11, 1952 redraft, 107–112, 115–116, 120, 122
- NSC 124/1, June 19, 1952 redraft, 116n, 119–123, 123–125
- NSC 124/2, June 25, 1952 redraft, 116n, 125–134, 145, 146, 154, 168, 184, 234, 240, 288, 311, 361, 366, 367
- NSC 125/2, 421, 696, 770
- NSC 125/4, 285–286, 288
- NSC 125/5, 311
- NSC 125/6, 696, 770
- NSC 135/3, 286
- NSC 146, 285–286, 288, 311
- NSC 146/2, 421, 696, 770, 930
- NSC 147, 285–286, 288, 293, 301
- NSC 148, 285–300, 310
- NSC 149, 301
- NSC 162/2, 420, 994
- NSC 166/1, 696, 717, 770, 930
- NSC 170, 696, 770
- NSC 171/1, 361, 366, 367, 421, 770
- NSC 177, 358–361, 362, 365, 366, 367
- NSC 5405, 366–381, 382, 385, 389, 398, 490, 497, 551, 603, 696, 770
- NSC 5409, 696, 770
- NSC 5413/1, 696, 770
- NSC 5416, 411n, 696, 720, 724, 770
- NSC 5422/2, 1020
- NSC 5429, 716–733, 744–748, 769–776, 771
- NSC 5429/2, 769–776, 911, 924, 927, 930, 932, 973, 1002–1014, 1020, 1050
- NSC 5429/3, 972–979, 992, 996–999, 1002–1015, 1036, 1050, 1057–1061
- NSC 5429/4, 1035–1038, 1053–1055, 1057–1061
- NSC 5429/5, 1062–1072, 1078–1079
- NSC 5440/1, 1079
- “U.S. Policy in the Event of Overt Unprovoked Military Aggression by Communist China”, 532–537
- “U.S. Policy Toward the Far East”, 961–963
- Far East financial summary, 290–291, 924–925, 1042–1043
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 461–463, 467
- Foreign Operations Administration report, 393–397
- Geneva Conference report, 452–457, 771
- Indochina report, 457
- International volunteer air group, 604
- Manila Conference report, 903–905
- Planning Board, 299, 458, 697, 801, 927, 929, 958–959, 1004
- National security policy of the United States:
- Nationalist China, See China, Republic of.
- Navarre, Gen. Henri, 395
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 28, 437–438, 446, 453, 565, 567n, 617, 679, 704, 713–715, 966, 992
- Nepal, 307
- Neri, Felino, 777n
- Nethercut, Richard D., 1018n, 1019n
- Netherlands:
- Netherlands New Guinea, 193, 303, 428, 433, 606, 945
- New Caledonia, 615
- New Guinea, 106, 162n, 193–194, 203, 639
- New York Times, 29n, 205–206, 319n, 434, 474, 571, 1084n
- New Zealand (see also ANZUS, ANZAM, and
five-power headings and subheadings):
- ANZAM, role in, 106, 213–214, 225
- ANZUS Council, 98, 169, 923
- ANZUS Pact, 196–198, 572, 596, 611, 918–923, 941
- China, People’s Republic of, 553, 629
- Colombo Plan, 307, 782, 949
- Colonial powers, support for, 905
- Five-Power Ad Hoc Committee on Southeast Asia, 15–16
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 481, 487, 500–501, 503
- Indonesia, technical assistance to, 942
- Japan, security treaty with, 52
- Joint Services Missions, 167
- Liaison staff organization for Southeast Asia, 77, 81–85, 87, 99, 195–196, 273–274, 329
- Middle East Defense Organization, 164
- Military role of, 1–3, 77, 81–82, 84, 101, 190, 195, 213, 920
- Military standardization, 348
- Non-aggression pact, 592
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 164
- SEATO Council, 921–922
- Southeast Asia, 33–34, 236
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 829, 944
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization:
- Tripartite Intelligence Conference on Southeast Asia, 155, 167n
- U.N. involvement in Indochina, 592
- United Kingdom, military talks with, 351–352
- Nitze, Paul H., 22–34, 35–36, 55–67, 68–69, 83–84, 87–91, 115, 140, 141n, 148–152, 154–156, 285, 300–303
- Nixon, Richard M., 352–353, 365, 455, 536, 668–671, 725–726, 729, 745–747, 752–754, 1060
- Nolting, Federick E., Jr., 8n, 270, 505–506, 571, 650n, 651n, 925, 1040–1044
- Nong Kimny, 613n, 769n, 826n
- Norodom Sihanouk, 395, 992
- North Africa, 190
- North Asian Treaty Organization, 662
- North Atlantic Council, 36n
- North Atlantic Treaty, 601, 638, 639, 641, 692, 878, 943
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 9, 60, 67, 195, 438n, 447
- Northeast Asia, importance of, 63
- Northeast Asia defense pact, 671, 694–695, 711–712, 912
- Notowidigdo, Moekarto, 405, 424
- Noyes, Charles P., 91, 120, 145
- Nunley, William T., 683–684
- Nyein, Kyaw, 423, 424n
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 489n, 506n, 546n, 583n, 622n, 686n, 736n, 835n, 846n, 915, 965n, 1023n
- O’Daniel, Lt. Gen. John Wilson, 366, 383, 386–388
- Offroy, Raymond, 143, 156–157
- Offshore Islands. See Chinese Nationalist offshore islands.
- Ogburn, Charlton, Jr., 206n, 260–263, 264, 662–665, 718–719, 745n
- Ohta, I., 309
- Okazaki, Katsumo, 695, 906
- Okinawa, 2, 395, 851
- Operations Coordinating Board, 367, 398, 456, 458, 603, 604, 696–697, 928–929, 932, 952, 973
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 310, 991
- Organization of American States, 593
- Ortoli, Vice Adm. Paul, 89–90
- Pacific Pact (see also ANZUS Pact), 52–53, 203, 212–213, 239, 426
- Pakistan:
- Pakistan, East, 483, 585–586, 667, 675, 679, 761
- Pau accords, Nov. 27, 1950, 109
- Peace Conference of the Asian and Pacific Regions, Oct. 1952, 215n
- Pearson, Lester B., 585n
- Peaslee, Amos J., 328, 332, 564n, 620–621, 660, 908
- Pelletier, Pierre, 695
- Penn Nouth, 769, 834
- Pennacchioni, L., 319–328
- Perkins, George W., 86–87, 113, 117–118, 203, 220
- Permanent Joint Board on Defense, U.S.-Canada, 197–198
- Pescadores, 247, 946, 975, 976, 1036
- Peterson, Avery F., 270, 328n, 660
- Phat Diem, 578
- Phibun Pibulsonggram, 156–157
- Philippine-U.S. Council, 564, 707
- Philippines:
- Anti-Communist stance of, 261
- ANZUS, 117–118, 142, 159–160, 179, 205, 221, 238, 259–260, 328, 335
- Associated States, recognition of, 53, 404, 475, 708, 1034
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 250, 545, 547
- Coal deposits in, 396
- Colombo Plan, 782, 928, 947–949
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- Development banks, government money for, 392
- Election in, 354
- Five-Power Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 457n, 461–462, 466, 479, 481–482, 484, 488, 493, 495, 520n, 550
- Five-power military talks, 531, 579, 582, 597
- General consultative Pacific body, 205
- Huks, extermination of, 193, 247, 664
- India, relations with, 568
- Japan, relations with, 426, 907, 912
- Korean war, 354
- Malaya, military advisers in, 261
- Manila Conference, 705
- Military situation, 2, 247, 699, 773
- Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, Aug. 30, 1951, 52, 81, 549, 552, 878
- Pacific Charter, 832–836, 897–898
- Southeast Asia, effect of loss of, 33–34
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 832, 836, 848, 861, 896n, 897–898, 900–901
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization:
- U.S. assistance to, 290, 292, 774–775
- U.S. relations with, 288, 395, 552, 1027
- Western Pacific defense pact, 52–53, 239, 912, 962, 976
- Phleger, Herman, 451, 601–602, 609–610, 670, 740n, 771–776, 807, 829, 846–847
- Phoui Sannanikone, 826
- Pillai, Narayana Raghavan, 675
- Pinay, Antoine, 103–105
- Pleven, René, 104–105, 387, 553
- Plimsoll, James, 660
- Pollard, R. G., 242–256
- Port Arthur, 89, 144
- Porter, Catherine, 260
- Porter, Gen. Robert W., Jr., 800
- Portugal, 605n, 609, 611
- Portuguese Timor, 248, 303, 607, 615
- Pote Sarasin, 402–404, 410, 422–423, 520, 612, 645–647, 843n
- Potomac Charter, 846, 904, 905
- Price, Ward, 227n
- Pridi Phanomyong, 262
- Psychological warfare, 47, 250, 383, 773, 978
- Quemoy, 755, 905, 943, 1057
- Quirino, Elpidio, 52–53, 205, 238–239
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 77, 89, 99, 171, 355–356, 360–361, 382–384, 387–388, 412–420, 484n, 511, 514–516, 548, 750–751, 754–756, 913–914, 992–994, 1005–1007, 1053
- ANZUS Council, 177, 191–193, 195–204, 208–210, 216–219, 222, 225, 238, 264–265, 315–317, 343–351, 435, 923, 924
- ANZUS pact, 162–163, 166–169, 328–329
- Atomic weapons, 524
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 445, 526
- China, People’s Republic of, potential for U.S. declaration of war with, 531, 534–535
- China, Republic of, U.S. relations with, 905
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 269–272, 283, 313–314, 316–317, 454–455, 457–458, 462, 464, 467, 494, 508n, 513, 524
- Korea, defense of, 525
- Laniel-Navarre Plan, 384
- Philippine role in defense of Southeast Asia, 408
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 831
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 654–657, 669, 671
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance to, 485, 523
- Vietnam, French role in, 536–537
- Radford-Collins Conference, Pearl Harbor, Feb. 26-Mar. 2, 1951, 163, 225, 348
- Rankin, Karl L., 429–430, 477–478, 511–512
- Rayburn, Sam, 506n
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 93n, 98n, 117–118, 220–221, 477n, 537–538, 564n
- Reading, Gerald, 443, 823n, 856, 858–859, 863–873, 875, 880–881, 888–892, 895–896, 899, 964
- Recto, Claro, 421, 422n, 548n
- Reid, Escott, 715
- Rhee, Syngman, 354, 425–426, 478, 525, 551, 587, 712, 714, 945–946
- Richards, James P., 992
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 39, 655–657, 748–749, 752
- Rio Economic Conference, Nov. 22-Dec. 2, 1954, 784n, 991
- Rio Treaty of 1954. See Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.
- Rives, Loyd M., 736
- Robbins, Rear Adm. Thomas H., 66–67
- Roberts, Chalmers, 502
- Robertson, Walter S., 256n, 310–312, 358–360, 716–718, 745n,
967–970, 996–999, 1053–1055, 1078–1079
- ANZUS Council, 594, 599
- Asian economic program, 800, 808n
- Colombo Plan, 781
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference, 313–314
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. support for, 406–407
- Neutralism, U.S. attitude toward, 733
- Philippine role in defense of Southeast Asia, 421
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 579–580, 788, 802
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 652, 740n
- Thai role in defense of Southeast Asia, 422–423
- U.S. economic assistance programs, 789n, 1080n
- Van Fleet Mission, 953–955
- Roche, Maurice W., 925n
- Romulo, Gen. Carlos F., 204–206, 238, 355n, 408, 474, 475, 520n, 548
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 341
- Roux, Jacques, 143
- Rowell, Lt. Gen. S. F., 40n, 222, 337–339, 345, 347–348, 531
- Rusk, Dean, 2n, 158
- Ryukyus, 288, 975
- Salan, Gen. Raoul, 271
- Salisbury, Robert A. J. G. Cecil, 377n
- Sarawak, 248, 264, 303
- SCAP. See Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B. Scherger, Air Vice Marshal F. R. W., 40
- Schuman, Robert, 36n, 59, 92, 97, 102–105, 135, 137, 377
- Schumann, Maurice, 138–140, 144n, 268–271
- Schwartz, Harry H., 115–116
- Scott, Robert Heatlie, 86, 143–144, 1033–1035, 1044–1045
- Scott, Walter K., 433n, 651n, 685–686
- Scotten, Robert, 233n, 629
- Sebald, William J., 424n, 676n, 778n, 846n, 953n, 959, 982–986, 995, 1044–1050, 1084n
- Selby, Richard R., 1080n
- Shanahan, Foss, 829, 918, 920, 921, 922–923, 944
- Shedden, Frederick, 175–176, 200, 336, 914
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel C., 521n, 720
- Shima, Shigenobu, 432, 649n
- Singapore, 67, 176, 213, 246, 264, 303, 357, 949–950
- Sixsmith, Maj. Gen. E. K. G., 303–306
- Slim, Field Marshal Sir William Joseph, 10–22, 24–25, 27, 30
- Smith, Rear Adm. C. C., 242–256, 345
- Smith, H. Alexander, 787n, 808n, 845n, 847, 851, 874, 898
- Smith, Rear Adm. H. Page, 165n, 270, 272–273
- Smith, Henry T., 965–966
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 73, 335–337, 378, 383, 384, 387–388, 666, 695, 927
- ANZUS Council, 435–436, 595–598, 715, 945n
- ANZUS Pact, 441–442
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 443, 445, 450–451
- Burmese role in defense of Southeast Asia, 423–424
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 459–460, 463–464, 466, 481–483, 486–489, 507–508, 510, 520n
- France, U.S. assistance to, 384
- Geneva Conference, 453
- Indian role in defense of Southeast Asia, 567
- Joint U.S.-U.K. Study Group, 625
- Manila Conference, 834
- Netherlands role in defense of Southeast Asia, 428–429
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 450, 577–578, 600, 602, 611, 612, 643–645, 789, 802–806, 951
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 606, 615, 617–620, 631, 668–670, 674, 683, 685–686, 706, 737n
- Thailand, 398
- U.S. economic assistance programs, 959
- Snow, Conrad E., 1014–1017
- Souers, Sidney W., 73
- South Asian Prime Ministers Conference, 410
- Southeast Asia (see also
Manila Conference; U.S.-U.K. Joint Study Group; and five-power and other Southeast Asia headings and
- Ad hoc talks, British refusal to attend, 441, 443–447
- Allied military assistance to, 58n, 250, 290–291, 303–305, 379–380, 631
- Allied military strategies, 59–61, 107–108, 127–129, 250–252, 257, 305–306, 359, 368, 434–436, 439–442, 513–517, 521, 527–528, 559–561, 700
- Anti-Communist groups, 108, 129, 251, 371, 561, 671, 1025
- ANZUS estimate of, 244
- ANZUS Pact, inclusion in, 263
- Australian military role, 3, 188–189, 272, 442, 479, 660
- British military role, 570
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 9–15, 18–19, 128–129, 139–140, 146, 187, 561–562
- Chinese Nationalist troops in, 251
- Combined military command, 5, 38, 72
- Communist propaganda re, 29
- Communist rebellion in, 701, 728–730, 745–746, 756, 1044–1047
- Contraband arms traffic, 79, 206–208
- Defense line in, 513, 524, 587
- Economic situation, 1027
- Hong Kong, influence of, 97
- International volunteer air group, 456–457
- Japan, economic relations with, 674, 929
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, position on, 6, 242, 274, 276–278, 657, 904
- Military situation, 250, 680
- National Security Council proposals for, 68, 367–381, 774
- New Zealand role in defense of, 3
- Non-aggression pact, 586–587
- Political declaration on defense of, 34–36, 47–48
- Psychological warfare, 47, 250
- Radio, use of as propaganda tool, 190, 192–193
- Rice exports, 27–28, 47, 127
- Soviet support of conflict in, 10
- Strategic importance, 33–34, 244–248
- Strategic materials, 127, 245
- Tripartite Declaration of Intent, 215, 216n
- Tripartite Intelligence Conferences on Southeast Asia, 17, 19, 21, 144–148, 155, 167n, 168n
- Tripartite military conversations, Jan. 1952, 6, 8–22, 95
- United action in, 402–410, 416, 422–423, 426–428, 430–431, 434–438, 538
- U.S. economic assistance, 290–291, 773, 783, 1022
- U.S. military intervention, 5–7, 61, 197, 538–539, 774
- U.S. relations with colonial powers, 663
- “White coalition”, Asian objections to, 349, 427, 466, 548n, 578, 910, 914
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, Manila, Sept 8, 1954 (see also
U.S.-U.K. Joint Study
Group on Southeast Asia
Manila Conference), 399–400, 446–450, 478, 686–694, 773, 820–823, 837–838, 842, 891, 897–899
- Anti-subversive aspects, 945
- ANZUS Council discussion, 763–766, 779
- Article II, maintenance of capacity to resist armed attack and resist subversion, 758–761, 794–799
- Article III, free institutions and economic measures, 758–761, 794–799, 862–865
- Article IV, 791–792, 797–799, 873–891, 951–953, 1014–1015, 1019
- Article V, 831, 833–834, 836, 865–873
- Article VI, 1017
- Article VIII, 891–896
- Australian position, 479, 611, 898n, 900–901, 908, 933–936, 939, 949
- British position, 357, 443, 453, 550, 570–572, 574, 580–581, 611, 620–622, 625, 634–635, 989
- Burmese position, 470–473, 487, 568–569, 573, 583, 584
- Cambodia, defense of, 610, 802–803, 806, 826n, 841, 844, 888, 903, 1015
- Communist aggression, 785, 789, 792–793, 797–799, 805–808, 821, 829, 833, 835, 847, 851, 874, 888, 904, 917, 934, 965n
- Consultations under, 858–859, 865–869, 903–904
- Economic aspect of, 766–767, 827, 855–858
- French position, 627, 838–839, 842–844, 864–865, 875, 883, 885–888, 898, 970, 989, 999
- Hong Kong, defense of, 607, 611
- Implementation of, 909, 914
- Indian position, 437–438, 453, 965–966
- Indonesian position, 430, 433, 479, 584
- Instruments of accession, 848, 861
- Japanese position, 357, 611, 674
- Korea, Republic of, position, 212–213, 357, 424, 611
- Laos, defense of, 610, 802–803, 806, 826, 841, 844, 888, 903, 1015
- Military advisers, 1028–1031
- Military aspects of, 852–859
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization language, use of, 792, 798–799, 805, 829, 836, 876–880, 883–884, 903
- Pacific Charter, 832, 836, 897–898
- Pakistani position, 437, 842–845, 892, 946, 1055
- Philippine position, 487, 573, 805–806, 843–845, 875, 896n, 897–898, 900–901
- Ratification of, 905, 909, 915, 920, 933–935, 939, 944, 970, 986–990, 999
- Thai position, 843n, 844n
- U.S. drafts of, 617–620, 626, 632–633, 637–641, 708–709, 717–718, 737, 784–787, 1000
- U.S. position, 447, 490–492, 573–574, 580–581, 793–794, 837–838, 944, 989, 1040
- U.S. “understanding”, 838, 851, 874, 881, 883, 888, 898, 904, 935, 965–966, 1055
- Vietnam, Republic of, protection of, 610, 618, 669, 695, 728, 731–732, 735–737, 742, 785, 788, 791, 802–803, 806, 841, 844, 888, 903, 1015
- Working group, 839–848, 1028–1032, 1038
- Southeast Asia Collective Security Conference, 658, 661, 681, 705–707
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (see
Manila Conference), 156, 400, 569–571, 587, 759, 762, 767
- ANZUS Council discussion of, 763–766
- Associated States participation, 639, 778–779, 1001–1002, 1014–1018, 1025–1026
- Australian participation, 591, 613, 653, 667, 776–777, 849–851, 971–972
- British participation, 492–493, 502–504, 597, 613, 667, 685–686
- Burmese participation, 470–473, 487, 568–569, 573, 583–584, 597, 606–607, 612n, 626, 628, 630, 654, 661, 664, 668, 672, 675–676, 683, 685, 761
- Cambodia:
- Canadian participation, 612
- Ceylonese participation, 437, 607, 628, 630, 672, 677–679, 682–683, 685, 704, 707, 901–902, 1018–1019
- China, Republic of, participation, 357, 425, 429–430, 432, 607, 611, 614, 625, 630, 643, 649, 661, 709, 738
- Colombo powers participation, 571, 611, 615, 617, 619, 628, 634–636, 645, 648, 654, 661
- Colonial possessions, protection of, 789
- Communist subversion, 995–996, 1022–1025, 1033, 1047
- Council. See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Council.
- Declaration of Intent, 615–616, 618–619, 643, 682–683, 735
- Economic aspects of, 652, 667–669, 681, 689–696, 741, 796, 825, 827–828, 850, 911, 985
- Establishment of, 638, 642, 658, 664, 670–671, 682–683
- Foreign Ministers meeting, 986–990, 1045, 1051–1053, 1056, 1075
- French participation, 607, 613, 615, 667, 778–780
- Geneva agreement, 643
- Hong Kong, protection of, 614–615, 629–630, 643, 788
- Indian participation, 487, 566–568, 607, 612n, 619, 628, 649, 654, 664, 667, 672, 713–715
- Indochinese settlement, possible, 596
- Indonesian participation, 479, 584, 597, 607, 628, 630, 653, 654n, 658–659, 661, 664, 668, 672, 678
- Intelligence committee, 1045–1046
- Japanese participation, 431–432, 597, 607, 611, 614, 625, 630, 643, 649, 661, 709, 738
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 654–657, 669
- Joint military planning, U.S. opposition to, 971
- Korea, Republic of, participation, 425–426, 432, 597, 611, 614, 625, 630, 643, 649, 661, 709, 738
- Laos:
- Liaison staff organization, 268–277, 279–280, 283–284, 434–436, 442, 572, 581–583, 592, 611, 944, 1030–1031
- Malaya, protection of, 639
- Membership in, 491, 599, 601, 607, 636, 644–645, 742, 759, 786
- Military advisers, 937–938, 944, 1028–1029
- Military aspects of, 240, 669, 824–825, 915, 922–924, 985, 1076
- Military machinery for, 743, 796, 831, 833–834, 836–837, 850, 910–911, 936
- Military Representatives Committee, 796, 850, 1076
- Netherlands participation, 428, 430, 433, 598, 605n, 607, 611
- New Zealand participation, 592, 613, 615, 628–631, 653, 667, 709–711, 918–923
- Noninterference in internal affairs, 777
- Organization for Cooperative Action, 983–984, 990
- Pakistani participation, 483, 587–588, 601, 607, 667, 672–679, 683, 685, 704–705, 707
- Philippine participation, 421–422, 478, 487, 571, 573, 584, 607, 613, 653, 664, 667
- Portuguese participation, 605n, 609, 611
- Preliminary meeting, 988–990, 999, 1001–1002
- Purposes of, 624–625, 680–681, 777–778, 937, 985–986
- Site for headquarters, 743, 766, 1030–1031, 1052
- Structure of, 427–428, 607–608, 654, 740–741, 743–744, 768, 780, 796
- Thai participation, 444, 487, 573, 584, 599, 601, 607, 613, 639, 647–648, 653, 664, 667
- Troop commitments, U.S. opposition to, 943
- U.S. assistance to Asian member states, 738, 739n, 857
- U.S. participation, 613
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- “White-only” group, 455–456, 458n, 651, 849
- Working Group, 1049–1050, 1075–1078
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Council, 946, 964–965, 987
- Australian position, 613, 653, 667, 687
- Establishment of, 785–786, 828, 1000
- First meeting, 909–910, 915, 921–922, 946, 951, 964–965, 970–971, 983, 987
- Headquarters, 1039
- Military advisers, 1029, 1031–1032
- Organization of, 938, 988, 1039
- Secretariat, 1000–1001, 1039, 1049, 1052
- U.S. paper on procedures for, 1030–1035, 1039
- Souvanna Phouma, 826
- Soviet Union:
- Aims and intentions of, 182, 341–342
- Allied concern about war with, 31–33, 136, 140, 143–144, 149, 154, 177, 375, 533, 558, 562
- Atomic weapons, 194, 342, 414, 446, 465
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 289–294, 311, 562–563, 702–703, 722–723, 750–752, 757, 772, 954, 975, 978
- Geopolitical view of, 9–10, 181–183, 287
- Military forces, assessment of, 414
- Shooting down of American plane, 1007
- Sino-Soviet Pact, 33, 89, 121–122
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 445
- Special Estimates. See under National security policy of the United States.
- Special U.N. Fund for Economic Development (SUNFED), 333
- Spender, Sir Percy C., 117–118, 173–177, 180, 190, 197–198, 238–239, 479, 485n, 582
- ANZUS, 332, 540–543
- ANZUS Council, 316, 347–350, 435–436, 593–597, 715, 764–765, 942–943, 945
- Five-power military talks, 316, 484, 487
- Manila Pack Working Group, 1049–1050, 1075–1076
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 538, 587–588, 612n
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 677, 685n, 707n
- Vietnam, partition of, 539
- Spicer, 908
- Spruance, Raymond A., 408, 422n, 708, 733–734, 777–778, 828–830, 832–834, 838–845
- Staats, Elmer B., 947n
- Stalin, Josef V., 33, 182–183, 341, 1003
- Standing Group, 363
- Stanton, Edwin F., 274–276
- Stassen, Harold E., 265–266, 332, 388–397, 726–732, 752, 754, 928–929, 947–949, 1006–1011, 1060
- Asian economic program, 800–802, 991–992, 1073
- Colombo Plan, 780, 925–926
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 907
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 669, 671
- Thailand, U.S. military operation in, 731
- U.S. economic and military assistance programs, 300, 789–790, 955, 958
- Vietnam, U.S. relations with, 670
- Steel, Christopher, 113
- Stelle, Charles C., 119, 617, 680n, 846n, 953, 983–986
- Storrs, Rear Adm. A. P., 319–328
- Strategic Air Command, 523
- Streibert, Theodore C., 1004
- Strout, Maj. Gen. K. L., 40n
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 337–339, 345–347, 951, 1049
- Sturm, Paul J., 573n, 606n, 616, 647n, 662
- Sudan, 94
- Sudasna, Brig. Gen. Camron, 440n, 518
- Suez issue, 1, 94, 570, 684–685
- Sukarno, 678
- Sullivan, Charles A., 208–210, 316, 600, 846n, 1029, 1045, 1050, 1076
- Sumatra, 729
- SUNFED (Special U.N. Fund for Economic Development), 333
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe, 177, 201
- Sweden, 78
- Switzerland, 78
- Taber, John, 650n, 656
- Taft, Robert, 319, 878
- Taiwan. See Formosa.
- Tanaka, Hiroto, 407n
- Tange, Arthur, 330, 332
- Technical Cooperation Programs, 1042
- Templer, Gen. Gerald, 27, 451, 455, 753
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, May 1–28, 1954, 593, 1019
- Tep Phan, 769
- Territorial waters, defense of, 1007
- Thacher, Nicholas G., 758–761, 1028n
- Thai Volunteer Defense Corps, 560
- Thailand:
- Airbases, development of, 485, 523, 560, 594
- British military assistance, 275, 323, 356
- Cambodia, relations with, 647
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 246, 249, 313–314, 376, 516–517, 523
- Chinese minority in, 246
- Colombo Plan, 307, 782, 928, 947–949
- Contraband arms traffic, 79
- Covert activities in, 399
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 453–454, 457n, 461–462, 468–469, 481–482, 484, 488, 493, 495, 519–520, 531, 548, 550
- Five-power military talks, 579, 582, 597
- French negotiations with Ho Chi Minh, 403–404
- Geneva Conference, 403
- India, relations with, 568
- Kra Isthmus, defense line on, 359, 360n, 363–364, 562, 571
- Laos, relations with, 647
- Manila Conference, 705
- Military assistance to, 50–51, 72, 133, 291, 305, 323–324, 327, 376, 379, 468–469, 528, 560, 612–613, 655–656, 774, 957
- Pan-Thai movement, 1025
- Political situation, 193, 246, 369
- Rice exports, 27, 47, 127, 245, 249, 368
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 646
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, participation in, 53, 156, 357, 409, 411–423, 444, 468, 487, 573, 584, 599, 601, 607, 613, 615, 639, 645–647, 653, 664, 667
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Council, 987
- United Nations, 275–276, 543–544, 553, 574, 598
- U.S. military assistance, 364, 464, 469, 476–477, 485, 523, 670, 717, 721, 731–733
- U.S. psychological strategy for, 398–399
- U.S. relations with, 274–276
- “White-only” groups, objection to, 275, 519–520
- Thorneycroft, John E., 1011
- Tibet, 749
- Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 294, 1003
- Tomlinson, Frank S., 85–86, 206–207, 221n, 270–271
- Tonkin (see also
Indochina), 480
- Allied rescue operation in, possible, 112, 132, 136, 382, 598
- China, People’s Republic of, intervention by, 14, 18, 49, 104–105, 111, 281–282, 544
- French military position in, 42, 90, 236, 246, 320, 526, 557, 577–578, 590–591, 594–595
- Loss of, 536, 553, 557–558
- Strategic importance of, 47, 128, 230, 245, 248, 321, 323, 359, 369, 491, 556, 561
- Tran Van Chuong, 803–804
- Trapnell, Maj. Gen. Thomas J. H., 282, 388, 498
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 932, 947
- Tripartite Declaration of Intent concerning Southeast Asia, 215
- Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings:
- Tripartite Intelligence Conferences (see also Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia):
- Trulock, Walter, 615n, 616n, 622n, 665–671, 686n, 705–708, 717, 778n, 784n, 787–789, 793n, 794–795, 846n
- Truman, Harry S., 1–8, 69, 94, 120, 123–124, 126, 156, 183, 202, 205, 536, 755
- Tun Shein, 675
- Turkey, 438n, 447
- Tuttle, Elbert P., 731, 770
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 26, 30, 363, 384, 657, 719–723, 1050–1051
- Tyler, William R., 610–612, 622n
- U Nu, 677
- UNESCO National Commission, 378
- Unified Command, 377
- United Kingdom (see also
U.S.-U.K. Joint Study
Group on Southeast Asia
and British headings and subheadings):
- ANZUS, 106, 117–118, 142–143, 158–160, 171, 178–180, 200–203, 213–214, 221, 226–229, 233, 237–239, 256–260, 264, 279, 317, 328–330, 332, 335–337, 340, 343–344, 349–350, 353n, 435, 525, 546–547
- Asia, economic assistance to, 331, 1072–1074
- Australia, 2, 106, 214, 228–229, 233, 351–352
- Burma, 132
- Ceylon, military bases in, 1018
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, U.S. defense pact with, 511
- Colombo Plan, 307, 782, 949
- Communist subversion in Southeast Asia, 1044–1046
- Contraband arms traffic, 78–79, 85–86
- Egypt, dispute with, 94
- Five-power Ad Hoc Committee on Southeast Asia, 38–39, 44
- Five-power military talks, 450, 453–456, 459, 481–484, 486–487, 489, 498, 500, 507, 550, 565, 599
- Foreign Ministers meetings with the United States, 135–137, 142–143
- France, relations with, 313
- Geneva Conference, 448–449, 459–460, 570–572, 579
- Greece, 448
- Hong Kong, 37, 112, 132, 191, 235–236, 247, 289, 356, 374, 525
- Indochina:
- Liaison staff organization for Southeast Asia, 269–272, 279–280
- Malaya, 51, 64, 134, 363, 949–950
- Manila Conference, 706–707, 712
- Middle East, role in defense of, 1–2
- New Zealand, 2, 106, 214, 351–352
- Philippines, security treaty with, 52–53
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 357, 426–428, 434, 437–438, 443, 453, 550, 565, 570, 574, 580–581, 611, 617–619, 717–718, 806n, 990
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 492–493, 503–594, 613, 615, 643, 648, 661, 667, 766–767
- Soviet atomic weaponry, 446
- Suez issue, 94, 570, 684–685
- Thailand, military assistance to, 275, 323, 336
- U.S. relations with, 190, 340, 449, 1011–1012
- United Nations:
- Cambodian appeal to, 574, 578
- China, People’s Republic of, aggression by, 9, 376, 541–542, 544–545
- Chinese representation, 289, 629, 702–703, 772, 932, 963, 977–979, 1007, 1010
- General Assembly, 916
- Indochina, 49, 103, 131, 374, 472, 487, 564n, 592
- Japanese participation, 978, 1007
- Laotian appeal to, 574, 578
- Security Council, 543, 636, 691, 785, 791
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 427, 692
- Special Fund for Economic Development, 333
- Thai participation, 275–276, 543–544, 553, 574, 598
- U.S. positions, 319n, 413
- U.N. Charter, 354, 586, 587, 592, 609, 646, 687, 784, 786, 840–841
- U.N. Good Offices Commission in the Netherlands East Indies, 663n
- U.N. Peace Observation Commission, 472, 502
- U.N. Technical Assistance Administration, 309
- U.S. Information Agency, 991
- U.S.-U.K. Joint Study Group on Southeast Asia, 600, 605–610, 627, 631–643, 665
- Valluy, Lt. Gen. René, 509
- Van Fleet, Gen. James A., 511, 551, 925, 953–955
- Van Fleet Mission, recommendations of, 953–955
- Van Hollen, Christopher, 98n, 161n, 165n
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 506
- Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 8–12, 17, 20, 35–36, 55–67, 277
- Viet Minh (see also
Vietnam), 23, 31, 64, 65, 104, 110, 128, 130, 189, 557
- Anti-Communist guerrilla forces, possible use of against, 364–365
- Ceasefire agreements with the Associated States, 646
- China, People’s Republic of, military assistance, 246, 369–370, 546, 563
- Dien Bien Phu, siege of by, 384
- France, relations with, 917
- French defeat by, improbability of, 370
- Indonesian attitude toward, 424
- Laos, invasion of, 311–312
- Military situation, 48, 187, 414
- Vietnam (see also
Associated States; Indochina; Tonkin):
- ANZUS Council designation of scope of Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 762, 765, 779
- Dien Bien Phu, 384, 448, 469, 556, 756
- Displaced persons, U.S. aid in resettlement of, 595, 957
- France, agreement with, March 8, 1949, 109
- French withdrawal from, 18, 441, 585–586
- Geneva agreements, 1016–1017
- Independence, 448, 472–473, 732
- Mekong River Authority, 647
- Military situation, 23–24, 28–29, 48, 64, 187, 248, 254, 414, 480, 537, 557, 559, 578, 584, 590–591, 595
- Neutralization of, 576–577
- Partition of, 447, 470, 480, 539, 590–591, 595, 625–626
- U.S. courses of action in, 288–289
- Vietnam, North, 670, 710, 716–717
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Armed forces, 90
- Australian economic assistance to, 940
- Colombo Plan, 949
- Elections, 447, 666–667, 730
- France, relations with, 919
- Manila Conference, 822, 830, 848
- Military equipment, evacuation of from the north, 666
- Political situation, 189, 193, 470, 585, 941
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 573, 607, 668
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, protection of, 610, 618, 669, 695, 728, 731–732, 735–737, 742, 785, 788, 791, 802–803, 806, 841, 844, 888, 903, 1015
- U.S. military assistance, 42, 191–193, 289, 365, 670, 945, 952
- Voice of America, 203, 1005
- Vorys, John M., 506n, 651n, 992
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Vanuaryevich, 29
- Wade, R. Hunter, 211n, 627, 648–649
- Wallinger, Geoffrey Arnold, 275
- Walters, Air Vice Marshal A. L., 230n
- Wan Waithayakon Krommun Naradhip Bongsprabandh, 156–157, 556, 613n, 646, 821, 843–844, 854–856, 860, 863–872, 879–886, 890–891, 941, 964, 987
- War, general. See Global war.
- Washington Post, 502, 525
- Washington Post and Times Herald, 503n
- Watt, Alan, 117–118, 189, 200, 228, 279, 353, 445, 829
- Waugh, Samuel C., 780–781, 808n, 991, 1027–1074
- Webb, James E., 52–53, 75n
- Webb, T. Clifton, 171, 173–175, 178–180
- ANZUS Council, 190, 192, 195, 200–201, 214, 341, 347, 349–350, 435
- ANZUS Pact, 329, 441–442
- British role in defense of Southeast Asia, 502–504
- Five-Power Military Conference on Southeast Asia, 477, 487, 500
- Manila Conference, 854, 858–859, 863, 867–870, 881–882, 885
- SEATO Council, 964
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 821, 854, 858–859, 863, 867–870, 881–882, 885, 901, 921
- Weeks, Sinclair, 670, 948, 1008–1012, 1060
- Western New Guinea. See Netherlands New Guinea.
- Western Pacific collective defense pact, 52–53, 239, 699, 725, 773, 911–912, 962, 976
- Whiteley, E. A., 319–328
- Whiteley, Gen. John F. M., 509
- Wiley, Alexander, 650
- Williams, William L. S., 409–411, 409, 566–568
- Wilsey, H. Fred, 391
- Wilson, Charles E., 74, 242n, 335
- ANZUS Council, 767
- China, People’s Republic of, potential for U.S. declaration of war with, 534
- China, Republic of, role in defense of Southeast Asia, 385–386, 511, 551–552
- Five-Power Military Representatives Conference on Southeast Asia, 454, 456, 457–458, 462, 479, 518, 549n
- Japan, rearmament of, 551
- Philippine role in defense of Southeast Asia, 552
- Philippines, U.S. relations with, 475
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 737–740
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 654, 668–669
- U.S. policy on Southeast Asia, 299, 387–388, 411–412, 719–720, 725–731, 747n, 754, 756, 928, 929, 992, 1004–1007, 1012, 1050, 1059
- Vietnam, elections in, 536, 666, 730
- Wisner, Frank, 949–950, 1035, 1044–1045
- Wooldridge, Rear Adm. Edmund T., 115–116, 120, 155
- Yang. See You Chan Yang.
- Yeh, George K. C., 429, 478
- Yenchius, Mildred M., 1018–1019
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 551, 906, 948, 958, 1009
- You Chan Yang, 406–407, 424–426, 432
- Young, Kenneth T., 718–719, 945, 996n, 1001n, 1014, 1025–1026
- Zafrulla Khan, Mohammed, 586, 621n, 677, 707n, 758, 821, 852–853, 856–857, 866, 868–877, 887, 890–895, 899, 902n, 964
- Zain, Zairin, 430