Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation, lot 64 D 199

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State1


Memorandum of Conversation with Mr. Thomas Murray Monday, December 13, 1954—3:55 p.m.

The conversation lasted only for 5 minutes because there was confusion about the appointment, and I had another engagement. Mr. Murray said that he thought there could be a moratorium on all thermonuclear, as distinct from atomic, explosions and that this would be in the interests of the US. He said that it was possible to distinguish between atomic and thermonuclear explosions so that this would not involve fixing a magnitude limit which might interfere [Page 1585] with atomic experimentation. Also, it would be easily susceptible of independent verification. I thanked Mr. Murray for his ideas.

John Foster Dulles
  1. The original of this memorandum was transmitted to Admiral Strauss on Dec. 14.