Atomic Energy files, lot 57 D 688, “IAEA Policies”
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Consultant to the Secretary of State for Atomic Energy Affairs (Smith)
- Subject:
- Meeting with the Secretary
- Participants:
- The Secretary
- IO—Mr. Key
- S/AE—Gerard C. Smith
This meeting with the Secretary had been arranged after Mr. Wainhouse expressed to me his concern about the way things were going in New York on the “peaceful uses” item. It had been my understanding that Mr. Key would make the argument. However, when we started with the Secretary, Mr. Key asked me to discuss the matter. I pointed out to the Secretary my concern about the free wheeling in New York—that there was evidence of planning for hoopla in the form of movies and some form of atomic energy kit. I expressed concern about our ability to control what Mr. Lodge would say in Committee I. I did not mention the story about the Peabody Associates. I suggested that Mr. Dulles call Lodge and express the hope that Lodge will stick to the script as given to him by the Department. Dulles showed little inclination to do this, saying merely “I wish you had told me that yesterday, as I saw Lodge in New York last night.”
I pointed out the Canadian and U.K. concern about Lodge’s remarks and that we had given them and Lewis Strauss a commitment that they would be seen by them in advance. Key reiterated an earlier statement that we would certainly see Mr. Lodge’s remarks in advance. The Secretary asked why I did not go to New York. I told him I would be glad to. The Secretary agreed that I had little chance of keeping a rein on the combination of Lodge and C.D. Jackson. The Secretary asked if any atomic energy experts would be there. I said the AEC was having difficulty finding any available. I pointed out that apparently Lodge was now trying to get the Secretary to reverse himself on the question of U.S. sponsorship of a resolution on the Agency.
[Page 1545]Key then brought up this matter and approved of the idea. I disagreed, saying that such a resolution would attract sponsorship by other nations who would then want to get into the negotiations for the Agency. The Secretary said the matter would require further consideration. He suggested a half hour on Monday morning.1
- According to his appointment book, the Secretary did meet with Key and Smith on Monday morning, Nov. 1. (Princeton University Library, Dulles papers, “Daily Appointments”) No other record of the meeting has been found.↩