Memorandum of Conversation With the President, by the Secretary of State1
- Subject:
- Atomic Proposal of President, Dec. 8
The President agreed that we should be prepared to listen to talks going beyond the pool proposal and dealing with atomic weapons generally although he was skeptical as to the possibility of any grandiose proposal being acceptable because of mutual suspicions. [Page 1323] He indicated that he did not think it necessary to link atomic-weapon discussions to conventional weapons although there would be no objection to our doing so as a technical or precautionary measure.
The President agreed that it would be in order to ask Howard Peterson to represent the State Department on a team to deal with this problem.
- Directed to Bowie, Murphy, and Arneson. The following handwritten notation by Dulles appears on the source text: “These Presidential positions on substance agree [in general?] with Defense presentation.” The annex (memorandum for the President), which is attached to the rile copy, presumably provided the basis for the discussion between the Secretary of State and President Eisenhower.↩