Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Europe: Political and Economic Developments, Volume IV, Part 2

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Europe: Political and Economic Developments, Volume IV, Part 2
- William Z. Slany
- John A. Bernbaum
- Ronald D. Landa
- Charles S. Sampson
- Joan Lee
- David H. Stauffer
- Lisle A. Rose
General Editor:
- Fredrick Aandahl
- William Z. Slany
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of abbreviations
- List of persons
- List of short titles
- List of sources
- Central Europe (Documents 1–134)
- Austria (Documents 1–134)
- Problems of occupation: United States policy in regard to the problem
of occupation costs; United States financial assistance to Austria;
interest in the election of a president to succeed Karl Renner;
relations with the other three occupying powers
(Documents 1–59)
- Participation of the United States in the negotiations for an Austrian
State Treaty
(Documents 60–127)
- Interest of the United States in the formation of a future Austrian
Army and the arming of the Austrian gendarmérie
(Documents 128–134)
- Problems of occupation: United States policy in regard to the problem
of occupation costs; United States financial assistance to Austria;
interest in the election of a president to succeed Karl Renner;
relations with the other three occupying powers
(Documents 1–59)
- Austria (Documents 1–134)
- Eastern Europe (Documents 135–478)
- Multilateral relations (Documents 135–193)
- Albania (Documents 194–195)
- Attitude of the United States toward the Albanian Regime
(Documents 194–195)
- Attitude of the United States toward the Albanian Regime
(Documents 194–195)
- Bulgaria (Document 196)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Bulgaria (Document 196)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Bulgaria (Document 196)
- Czechoslovakia (Documents 197–257)
- Hungary (Documents 258–280)
- Poland (Documents 281–288)
- Principal policies and problems in relations with Poland
(Documents 281–288)
- Principal policies and problems in relations with Poland
(Documents 281–288)
- Romania (Documents 289–292)
- Continuing deterioration in relations with Romania
(Documents 289–292)
- Continuing deterioration in relations with Romania
(Documents 289–292)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Documents 293–359)
- Yugoslovia (Documents 360–478)
- Index