Foreign Relations of the United States, 1949, Western Europe, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1949, Western Europe, Volume IV
- David H. Stauffer
- Frederick Aandahl
- Charles S. Sampson
- Howard McGaw Smyth
- Joan Ellen Corbett
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Code Names
- Multilateral relations (Documents 1–350)
- Participation by the United States in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization and in efforts for European integration; the military
assistance program
(Documents 1–210)
- Interest of the United States in the economic recovery of Western Europe:
efforts to strengthen the Organization for European Economic Cooperation;
the questions of liberalization of trade and intra-European payments
(Documents 211–276)
- Meeting of United States ambassadors at Paris, October 21–22, to discuss
major developments relating to Europe (Documents 277–279)
- Policy of the United States toward the Free Territory of Trieste
(Documents 280–299)
- The United States participation in discussions on disposition of the
former Italian colonies in Africa
(Documents 300–350)
- Multilateral convention on northwest Atlantic fisheries
- Multilateral agreement respecting North Atlantic weather stations
- Participation by the United States in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization and in efforts for European integration; the military
assistance program
(Documents 1–210)
- Austria
- Belgium (Document 351)
- Denmark (Documents 352–353)
- France (Documents 354–392)
- Germany
- Iceland (Document 393)
- Relations of the United States with Iceland (Document 393)
- Relations of the United States with Iceland (Document 393)
- Ireland
- Italy (Documents 394–398)
- The Netherlands
- Norway
- Portugal (Document 399)
- Spain (Documents 400–429)
- Sweden (Document 430)
- Switzerland
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Documents 431–460)
- Index