501.BB/9–348: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics
In considering possible candidates for Presidency Third Regular GA Session, Dept has concluded that, since (a) one Latin American (Aranha) presided over both first special and second regular GA sessions; (b) another Latin American (Arce) held Presidency 2d Special Session; and (c) third Latin American (Padilla Nervo) presided over Interim Committee, it would not be appropriate to support a Latin American for President forthcoming session.
[Page 127]Dept understands Evatt (Australia) and Arce (Argentina) are considering offering themselves as candidates for GA Presidency. For reasons indicated above, we believe Latin American States will agree that we should find a suitable candidate from outside Latin America. Some doubt exists whether Evatt will actually continue to press his candidacy or whether he would be elected, partly because of some lack of enthusiasm about his handling of the Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine last year and partly because it may be necessary for him to attend Brit Commonwealth Conference which meets for approximately three weeks in London in Oct.
Location of GA in Paris has led us to feel that French-speaking Western European might be most appropriate GA President. We understand Spaak is probably not available; Bech (Luxemburg) appears possibility; Chairman, French Delegation (not yet designated) should not be ruled out of consideration. In absence good French-speaking European candidate, Dept inclined toward neutral attitude on GA Presidency. If Latin America and Western Europe are eliminated, we believe there might be considerable interest in an Asiatic candidate; thus far we have heard the names Tsiang, Romulo and Mrs. Pandit as possibilities.
Discuss substance above with FonOff, making following points: (a) our views re LA candidate; (b) our general preference for French-speaking Western European if suitable candidate can be found, (c) otherwise generally neutral attitude. Report reactions soonest.1
- Telegram received from the capitals of the other American Republics over a period of approximately 10 days, not printed; they are found in the 501.BB file. In general, there was a division between those governments which indicated support of the U.S. position and those that had a preference for or felt they should support a candidate from their area.↩