IO Files: US/S/6082
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup)
Participants: | Dr. Tsiang, Chinese Delegation.3 |
Dr. Philip C. Jessup, United States Mission |
Dr. Tsiang called on me yesterday afternoon and, among other questions, raised the matter of seats on the Security Council. He strongly urged the desirability of India having a place on the Security Council. In this connection he noted the threat of unrest and of Communistic activities based upon that unrest, and felt it important that everything possible should be done to build up the Indian government. He recognized the problem of supplanting a Latin American state, an Arab state, or a Western European state. He thought that if India remained in the British Commonwealth, that consideration could be given to having India succeed Canada, but he hoped that a way could be found to get India on the Council this fall. He admitted that particularly with the Palestine question still active, the Arab states would make a strong effort to retain their representation. As a long-range proposition, he suggested that the allocation of seats might be considered in four-term groups. Under this system, the Latin Americans would be entitled to two seats on the Council every three out of four terms, but for the fourth term, would have only one seat which could then be allocated to some other state. A similar system might be applied, in his opinion, to representation from the Arab states. In general, Dr. Tsiang stressed the importance of the emerging states of Asia and the bases for giving them added representation in the Security Council.