Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, General; The United Nations, Volume I

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, General; The United Nations, Volume I
- Ralph E. Goodwin
- Neal H. Petersen
- Marvin W. Kranz
- William Slany
General Editor:
- S. Everett Gleason
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introductory note
- List of abbreviations and symbols
- Errata
- Organization and arrangements for the conduct of United States relations with
the United Nations (Documents 1–7)
- General United States policy toward the United Nations: (Documents 8–41)
- I. The United States and the United Nations: the United States initiative,
September 1947 (Documents 8–10)
- II. The United States position regarding the place of meeting of the third
regular session of the General Assembly in 1948 (Documents 11–15)
- III. Establishment of the seat of the United Nations in the United States:
the Headquarters and Interim Headquarters agreements; the proposed general
convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations; the question
of financing construction of the Headquarters
(Documents 16–41)
- I. The United States and the United Nations: the United States initiative,
September 1947 (Documents 8–10)
- The deteriorating political climate in the General Assembly: the Warmongering
Resolution (Documents 42–61)
- The United States at the United Nations: the United States position regarding
certain problems of United Nations organization and procedure: (Documents 62–161)
- I. United States policy regarding elections to certain organs,
commissions, and committees of the United Nations
(Documents 62–110)
- II. Interest of the United States in increasing the effectiveness of the
United Nations: United States proposals for the establishment of an interim
committee of the General Assembly and for a study of voting procedure in the
Security Council
(Documents 111–144)
- III. United States policy regarding the question of admission of new
members into the United Nations
(Documents 145–160)
- IV. Policy of the United States regarding the apportionment of expenses of
the regular (administrative) budget of the United Nations among members of
the Organization
(Document 161)
- I. United States policy regarding elections to certain organs,
commissions, and committees of the United Nations
(Documents 62–110)
- The first special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, April and May 1947
- Negotiation of the trusteeship agreement for the former Japanese-mandated
islands in the Pacific concluded between the United States and the Security
Council of the United Nations, April 2, 1947
(Documents 162–176)
- United States policy regarding non-self-governing territories outside the
United Nations trusteeship system; the question of transmission of information
under Article 73(e) of the Charter (Documents 177–191)
- United States adherence to agreements establishing the Caribbean Commission
and the South Pacific Commission (Documents 192–194)
- United States policy at the United Nations with respect to the regulation of
armaments and collective security: the international control of atomic energy;
regulation of conventional armaments; efforts toward agreements placing armed
forces at the disposal of the Security Council
(Documents 195–377)
- United States national security policy: the extension of military assistance
to foreign nations; estimates of threats to the national security; coordination
of political and military policy; policy with respect to the acquisition of
military bases and air transit rights; foreign policy
aspects of the stockpiling of strategic and critical materials (Documents 378–395)
- Foreign policy aspects of United States development of atomic energy
(Documents 396–452)
- United States interest in international economic collaboration for the
expansion of world trade and employment: negotiations at
Geneva leading to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and to the
convening of the Havana Conference (Documents 453–519)
- The United States foreign assistance program as of December 31, 1947
(Document 520)
- The Marshall Plan
- The United States program for providing relief assistance to war-devastated
countries, upon the termination of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration (unrra)
(Documents 521–526)
- United States policies regarding the problem of critical world shortages in
food, fuel, and industrial items: messages and statements relating
thereto (Document 527)
- The International Telecommunication Conferences, at Atlantic City, May
16–October 2, 1947 (Document 528)
- United States policy with regard to the Polar Regions
(Documents 529–540)
- Index