
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Berle)

No. 7822

Sir: Reference is made to the Embassy’s secret despatch number 3905 of January 4, 194615 concerning the transfer to Brazil of military equipment under the terms of the Surplus Property Act.16

The Department has recently given its approval to the War Department program for the allocation to Brazil of complete military equipment for one division and of the following aircraft, with spare parts: 64 B–25, 25 P–47, 46 C–47, and 35 C–45, AT–11 or AT–7, depending on the relative supply situation of these types of planes.17 As soon as final arrangements have been made, this equipment will be sold to Brazil under the terms of the Surplus Property Act by the Foreign Liquidation Commission acting as a disposal agency. Present procedure calls for negotiation in Washington by representatives of the Brazilian Embassy with the Foreign Liquidation Commission. Although [Page 435] the prices of the aforementioned equipment have not as yet been finally determined, they will be low on all military material for which there is no commercial market.

This equipment is being made available as a measure in support of the principle of standardization which was discussed in exploratory staff conversations. For the information of the Embassy, the Department intends to reexamine with the War Department the policies of the program of military collaboration before making any decision as to the amount and character of additional equipment to be made available. It is believed that the military material for the equipping of one division, and the aircraft referred to above, should satisfy present Brazilian desires and enable the Joint Commission to continue its activities successfully.

As a result of the conversations you had while in Washington on the subject of military collaborations, it is believed you understand that the Department recognizes the special obligation which this Government has toward Brazil in the premises.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Spruille Braden
  1. Not printed.
  2. Approved October 3, 1944; 58 Stat. 765.
  3. The Chargé was informed in telegram 364, March 14, 9 p.m., of the availability of these items. The B–25 planes were old line bombers, the P–47 was a dive bomber, the C–47 and 45 were transport types, and the AT–11 and 7 were light transport planes.