Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, Eastern Europe, The Soviet Union, Volume VI

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, Eastern Europe, The Soviet Union, Volume VI
- Rogers P. Churchill
- William Slany
General Editor:
- S. Everett Gleason
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
- Albania: (Documents 1–26)
- Bulgaria: (Documents 27–121)
- Czechoslovakia: (Documents 122–171)
- Finland: (Documents 172–179)
- Extension of an Export-Import Bank credit to Finland (Documents 172–179)
- Extension of an Export-Import Bank credit to Finland (Documents 172–179)
- Hungary: (Documents 180–263)
- Poland: (Documents 264–378)
- Rumania: (Documents 379–460)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: (Documents 461–604)
- Reports on developments of significance within the Soviet Union of concern
to relations with the United States and other countries (Documents 461–563)
- Attempts to open negotiations for a lend lease settlement agreement with
the Soviet Union, and consideration of the granting of loans and
credits (Documents 564–603)
- Agreement on the organization of commercial radio teletype communication
channels between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (Document 604)
- Reports on developments of significance within the Soviet Union of concern
to relations with the United States and other countries (Documents 461–563)
- Yugoslavia: (Documents 605–692)
- Index