740.00119 Control (Germany)/9–546: Circular airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics and Philippine Islands68
On behalf of Allied Control Council for Germany, please deliver following notification: [Page 819]
“In its note of 6 December, 1945, the Allied Control Council in Germany addressed to all countries belonging to United Nations’ Organization a proposal on the repatriation of German agents and obnoxious Germans in United Nations’ territory.
“After studying the possibilities of financing the return of these Germans to Germany, the Allied Control Council agreed to request governments of countries belonging to United Nations’ Organization:
- “(a) to assume the burden of all expenses incurred in repatriating German agents and obnoxious Germans in their territory as far as the German border;
- “(b) that all expenses incurred before the Germans arrive at the German frontier should be borne by the respective country belonging to United Nations’ Organization, while all expenses incurred on German territory would be covered by German resources of the zone in which they were incurred.”
In conveying foregoing to FonOff take pains orally to make clear that foregoing means simply that ACC which deems repatriation duty United Nations and has no foreign exchange unwilling assume cost repatriation obnoxious Germans. Message does not preclude mutual assistance among United Nations in performing this duty when feasible and appropriate, such as that already extended Latin-American Republics by US and UK.
- Sent to Asunción, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Ciudad Trujillo, Guatemala, Habana, La Paz, Lima, Managua, Montevideo, Panamá, Port-au-Prince, Quito, San José, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa, and Manila.↩