701.6266A/2–2746: Telegram

Mr. Franklin C. Gowen, Assistant to the Personal Representative of President Truman to Pope Pius XII, to the Secretary of State


25. I pointed out to Montini Feb 23 that German ex-diplomats at Vatican will apparently continue remain there indefinitely unless Vatican notifies them to leave and that unless this is done they will continue to quibble and stall as long as they are made to feel that Vatican is prone to entertain and transmit their endless objections which in view our assurances (Dept’s 2, Jan 1850) are not warranted. Montini replied he appreciated my remarks and confidentially repeated Vatican is not responsible for what happens to Germans after they leave Vatican but that he hopes we will give Vatican written assurances merely as a formality, however, that on return to Germany conditions set forth in Vatican note of Dec 22 will be met (my despatch 485 Dec 2551). He repeated this is mere formality but that if desired conditions are not met when these Germans are back in Germany the Vatican will not object. He emphasized he is most anxious to get rid of Germans. In conclusion our written assurance to Vatican would be on confidential understanding that they are merely a means to an end.

Please instruct.52

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed, but see footnote 49, p. 807.
  3. In Amvat 18, March 5, 1946, the Department instructed the President’s Representative at the Vatican to draft some written assurances to the Vatican that German officials expelled would receive proper treatment (701.6266A/2–2746).