Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, General: Political and Economic Matters, Volume II

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, General: Political and Economic Matters, Volume II
- N. O. Sappington
- John P. Glennon
- George O. Kent
- William Slany
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
- George H. Dengler
- John Rison Jones, Jr.
General Editor:
- E. Ralph Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Acquisition of materials for use in the development of the atomic bomb;
efforts to establish a system of international control of atomic energy (Documents 1–41)
- First Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, London, September
11–October 2, 1945
(Documents 42–189)
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, December 16–26, 1945 (Documents 190–269)
- Anglo-American cooperation on policies and problems concerning the Proclaimed
and Statutory Lists in the Eastern Hemisphere
(Documents 270–289)
- Concern of the United States over enemy attempts to secrete funds or other
assets in neutral countries; implementation of the Safehaven Program
(Documents 290–332)
- Interest of the United States in measures for the protection and salvage of
artistic and historic monuments in war areas
(Documents 333–349)
- Participation by the United States in the work of the United Nations Relief
and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)
(Documents 350–437)
- Anglo-American negotiations relating to the provision of civilian supplies for
liberated areas;
the Rosenman Mission (Documents 438–483)
- First Session of Conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, held at Quebec, October 16–November 1, 1945
- Protocol signed August 31, 1945, at London, extending the duration of the International Sugar Agreement of 1937
- Interest of the United States in the relief and rescue of Jews and security
detainees in Germany and German-occupied territory
(Documents 484–509)
- Concern of the United States over problems involving displaced and stateless
persons and refugees
(Documents 510–576)
- Interest of the United States in the transfer of German populations from
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, and Austria (Documents 577–666)
- Interest of the United States in the convening of an international conference
on trade and employment (Documents 667–684)
- Concern of the United States over implementation of the 1944 Agreement on Principles Having Reference to the Continuance of Coordinated Control of Merchant Shipping
- Participation by the United States in a plan for the international control of
postwar mine clearance in European waters (Document 685)
- Discussions relating to the establishment of an international regime for the
administration of European inland waterways (Documents 686–697)
- European Inland Transport Conference, October 10, 1944–September 27, 1945;
formation of the European Inland Transport Organization
(Documents 698–717)
- Interest of the United States in the establishment of the Emergency Economic
Committee for Europe and the European Coal Organization
(Documents 718–749)
- Interest of the United States in international civil aviation matters
(Documents 750–759)
- Formulation of United States policy on the resources of the Continental Shelf
and on coastal fisheries (Documents 760–794)
- International Whaling Conference, London, November 1945, and protocol signed November 26
- Interest of the United States to secure cooperation among interested
Governments on measures to limit and control production and to suppress illicit
traffic in opium
(Documents 795–797)
- Participation of the United States in the Rubber Study Group
- Participation of the United States in the work of the International Wheat Council
- Participation of the United States in the Fourth Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, April 2–14, 1945
- Participation of the United States in international scientific meetings
- Index